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This is a simple way to make custom checkboxes in jQuery.
0 1029 posted 9 years ago by del4y
This REST example uses pycurl library to send HTTP request and handle HTTP response so you need to install it to use this example. Once input Word documents are uploaded, you can use the following URI to merge documents on Aspose for Cloud or any sup...
0 1409 posted 11 years ago by johansonkatherine
Mail merge allows you to produce document (potentially large numbers of documents) from a single template and a structured data source. The letter may be sent out to many recipients with small changes, such as a change of address or a change in the g...
0 1514 posted 11 years ago by johansonkatherine
The give link helps you to integrate the Amazon Simple Pay IPN to your web application.
0 792 posted 11 years ago by mafhh14
Simple Clearfix
0 886 posted 11 years ago by andrewcolby
don't forget to add jfxrt.jar to class path
0 983 posted 12 years ago by alexedy
When box sizing is set, the padding, border and margin no longer add onto the total width or height of the element. Instead, they eat into the set width or height. So, if you have a box whose width is set to 300px, and padding set to 10px, then the t...
1 1047 posted 12 years ago by bmayzure
This is similar to the one for PHP but modified for JAVA.
0 1146 posted 12 years ago by Klostrag
A simple class to cache files (or other results) with PHP.
1 1201 posted 12 years ago by peckham
Just add an image... try it.
2 1016 posted 12 years ago by jkdreaming
Splits on new line, to load array, and cycle through each line in array. In this example, we are loading the holding array "@thing" with data from the "_content" key of the $results hashref.
0 1009 posted 13 years ago by EmbeddedInsanity
Relies on "trunCate" a truncating function.
2 1382 posted 13 years ago by rliverman
Simple jQuery fadeIn/Out continuous rotator.
1 948 posted 13 years ago by LadyLoomis
Simple class to retrieve an ID using a URL of the Youtube
0 1285 posted 13 years ago by leandroperes
Displays a simple alert using Toast
0 847 posted 13 years ago by Vetromilla
With this file you can load stylesheets and minify the code while changing colors. The stylesheets are loaded using file_get_contents and you can attach them one after another if you have multiple sheets. The colors are replaces based on a variable t...
0 967 posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
A Simplified solution to CSS-Tricks Starry Night Parallax Effect. Se URL for demo and original article. Example files can also be downloaded at the URL.
0 974 posted 13 years ago by DeluxiveState
Just a short little script that takes a mysql query and turns it into a csv file that downloads automatically. If your interested in the details you can hit up the link.
0 1039 posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Traditionally when you have lost lists of dat you want to alternate rows for usability. The first thing everybody makes to fix this is a simple if statement loop, but this adds a number of lines and is hardly a clean solution. Additionally it require...
0 942 posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Nothing revolutionary, just a simple implementation. A reworking from Brian Cray's source code: http://briancray.com/2009/08/21/tweeted-links-twitter-api-php-cache/ Note: requires creating a cache file, '/caches/twitter', relative to source.
0 1011 posted 13 years ago by richardmaisano
A php program to check whether two simple connected graphs are isomorphic.
0 847 posted 13 years ago by trusktr
Create a sitemap in wordpress, including posts, categories and pages just use the [sitemap] shortcode within the post content and wordpress / the function does the rest.
0 1053 posted 13 years ago by prwhitehead
Just a simple php insert script.
0 839 posted 13 years ago by JonnySnip3r
Just a simple database script.
0 898 posted 13 years ago by JonnySnip3r
Very basic dont judge!
0 1014 posted 13 years ago by JonnySnip3r
Simple, It gets the referer and if there wasn't a referer it displays just the home link, but when there is a referer it dispays both back and home, I personaly use this on my 404 page.
1 970 posted 14 years ago by mentaljason
Dispaly a repeatable region using the Simple Fields wordpress plugin.
0 933 posted 14 years ago by mesh606
Bring in a file / image to your wp template
0 885 posted 14 years ago by mesh606
This function will insert items into an orders alphabetically (assuming it's already alphabetical). Initially design to make a smooth single page load/save feature that sotred everything in drop down lists, you guessed it, alphabetically. Can simply...
0 995 posted 14 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
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