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A simple way of correcting tests with Java. In this piece of code I just defined two possible models or answers, they're all random, but the only thing needed is to update them with valid answers. The length of the test? I just did it for a 10-questi...
0 1065 posted 11 years ago by eiger824
A basic database made in Java. It resembles a mobile phone contacts activity in which user is prompted to introduce some data of new contacts.
0 888 posted 11 years ago by eiger824
A simple Text Encoder.
1 868 posted 11 years ago by eiger824
Web aplikacija generira slučajne registracijske oznake za grad Zagreb u odabranom formatu. Ispisuje se i broj mogućih različitih registracijskih tablica za taj format.
0 763 posted 11 years ago by DSTG_Kwan
This is similar to the one for PHP but modified for JAVA.
0 1054 posted 11 years ago by Klostrag
When Domino is used to create a webservice consumer, it does not provide an easy way to add SOAP headers to method calls. To do so, extend the STUB class it provides, copy any methods that need SOAP headers, and insert a line after the 'createCall'...
0 729 posted 11 years ago by lspellman
Some webservices require a SOAP header to be added to requests (typically with authentication information). For Domino webservice consumer code, this can be handled by extending the generated stub class and rewriting the service calls that are being...
0 876 posted 11 years ago by lspellman
Reverse a linked list using Java.
0 738 posted 11 years ago by djangofan
Para genera clases de RMI skel y stub en proceso distribuidos
0 881 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
Just a simple code snippet that uses cmd to send an ExtendScript to an application like Photoshop® or InDesign®.
0 653 posted 12 years ago by layouterlimits
Obtener el cursor de oracle y recorrerlo para sacar los datos
0 2153 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
You have to use float or double for the returned value, since the scale occurs in a continuous function.
0 1509 posted 12 years ago by rtperson
This is a code snippet that retrieves the signatures from a pdf document and the reason for them. It does that in approximately 200ms for one signature.
0 1018 posted 12 years ago by alexedy
0 946 posted 12 years ago by l01241
0 1062 posted 12 years ago by l01241
0 1026 posted 12 years ago by l01241
private String mapPath = "img/full_map.png"; parkMapBitmap = getBitmapFromAsset(this.getContext(),mapPath);
0 1013 posted 12 years ago by l01241
The main objective of this example is to access social media providers Facebook, Twitter and others by clicking a single button "Share".On Clicking the button the api will open dialog of providers. User can access the provider from dialog and can...
0 1010 posted 12 years ago by vinny82
A useful utility class to identify Throwables by creating a checksum (using a message digest, such as MD5 or SHA1) of its stack trace
0 543 posted 12 years ago by dwijnand
It's no fun implementing QuickSort unless you can force it out of its blister-fast, O(n log n) speed and humiliate it with its worst-case, O(n^2) runtime. So that's what I set out to do. My naive partition simply pivots around the low item, but...
0 821 posted 12 years ago by rtperson
fade out view called 'row'
0 898 posted 12 years ago by BenClayton
This example adds a horizontally-centered TextView to the bottom of the RelativeLayout called 'layout'.
0 1144 posted 12 years ago by BenClayton
Projecto de LabP01 que consiste na criação de uma classe que permite efectuar operações sobre ficheiros de texto.
0 733 posted 12 years ago by N-genhocas
this is a snippet from a parsing piece of code I had to do for class, basically I had to grab employee names, numbers, paycodes, hours worked, etc. and organize it. In order to align the columns I ended up using some code like this
0 900 posted 12 years ago by nickstanish
Classe Singleton
0 689 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
Importare i metodi statici
0 666 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
Ottenere il privilegio di root
0 872 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
Configurare il Proxy sull'emulatore
0 838 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
Número aleatorio entre a y a + b, excluyendo a + b: a + Math.random() * b
0 739 posted 12 years ago by goo
This snippet presents how the java library to ubuntu unity launcher could look like.
0 794 posted 12 years ago by kdaniel