
Member since 01/29/2009

Name: Erik Pöhler

Location: Mexico



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A couple of useful media queries...
1 1137 posted 11 years ago by iroybot
For some reason tidy inserts new lines before/after <![CDATA[ content in XML files. Since I like the benefits of a reformatted, readable XML... ... i run tidy first, then remove the spaces before/after the CDATA block:
0 1109 posted 12 years ago by iroybot
easy way of catching and displaying errors and return values from a exec() command back in PHP.
0 951 posted 12 years ago by iroybot
easy way of catching and displaying errors and return values from a exec() command back in PHP.
0 1050 posted 12 years ago by iroybot
obviously one can access HTML5's data attribute super easy in jQuery
0 1030 posted 12 years ago by iroybot
in order to avoid the .zip madness when creating a new module, you can make it available in the backend by firing a simple SQL in your DB. (mod_media is the name of the folder that holds it)
0 815 posted 12 years ago by iroybot
Simplepie per default uses relative paths to generate the cache filename. Whenever I use Simplepie I run into the same problem, that the cache directory can't be located. This is why I modify the file everytime. Here's my version (with a hardcoded p...
0 1033 posted 13 years ago by iroybot
If you wanna use images stored by K2 in your custom scripts/classes you'll need to know how K2 generates the names... (took me quite a bit to find that, because they're not stored in the _k2_items table)
0 911 posted 13 years ago by iroybot
0 811 posted 13 years ago by iroybot
the link explains how the XML is generated.
1 846 posted 13 years ago by iroybot
Turns a Zend_Form object into XML data. Click the associated link to see an Example XML result and a XSL Stylesheet used to display regular HMTL.
1 1115 posted 13 years ago by iroybot
3 980 posted 13 years ago by iroybot
I wanted to pass a form submission (array) as a JSON object to another function. Some form field were created with JS, to identify them their names have been concatenated with unique IDs, etc. In order to access values of that JSON obj I needed to...
1 873 posted 13 years ago by iroybot
I wanted to pass a form submission (array) as a JSON object to another function. Some form field were created with JS, to identify them their names have been concatenated with unique IDs, etc. In order to access values of that JSON obj I needed to...
0 998 posted 13 years ago by iroybot
I'm using this out of laziness. PHP is slowing things down here, since it's not as close to C as XPath. A better solution would be to have an attribute specifically for search purposes (either in upper or lowercase).
0 889 posted 14 years ago by iroybot
an example on how to build xml of a Zend_Form for XSLT use
0 875 posted 14 years ago by iroybot
0 953 posted 14 years ago by iroybot
1 794 posted 14 years ago by iroybot
replacing single quotes with its (double-escaped) entity, for use of a text within xsl.
2 1559 posted 14 years ago by iroybot
SQL to alter field contents. linked article is in german.
1 1059 posted 14 years ago by iroybot
the LIBXML parameter is what this snippet is about. Also this is one way to retrieve XML without having a XML-declaration prepended <?xml>
1 940 posted 14 years ago by iroybot
courtesy of mark8barnes
1 872 posted 14 years ago by iroybot
courtesy of mark8barnes (
1 878 posted 14 years ago by iroybot
no need for Lorem ipsum if you can insert something that makes more sense and even helps you address more HTML elements with the CSS you're about to write.
1 905 posted 15 years ago by iroybot
this comes from YAPB plugin for WordPress. kudos to the author. (there are some functions that are deprecated in PHP 5.2+ - you'll need to replace eregi with the mb_ version). This should be quite failsafe, regardless if curl is installed or the set...
1 1161 posted 15 years ago by iroybot
as a note to self... in order to find it laters... This will only alter the value of fieldname if the conditions in the WHERE clause are met. With replace we only replace a certain string within fieldname with the replace_with string
1 944 posted 15 years ago by iroybot
i know these regex stuff is rather slow, but still i like having slim documents. (don't forget to use gzip compression on all text docs)
3 900 posted 15 years ago by iroybot
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