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Easy PHP script for uploading and unpacking zip files to the server much faster Steps to follow: 1. create folder on the webserver called "zipper" or something else 2. copy the following PHP code into a file called "zipper.php" into this folde...
2 4291 posted 12 years ago by jvandemerwe
I've updated Mad Current Event to work with Joomla vs 2.5.6. Just replace the contents of mod_madcurrentevent.xml with the following code.
0 1165 posted 12 years ago by mrjohnmain
Basic template for Joomla 2.5 with 3 columns
1 1050 posted 12 years ago by gradamedia
Show html on homepage and different html on other pages
0 990 posted 12 years ago by morktron
This is a base function to use with Joomla! to display the view using the Joomla cache system.
0 1044 posted 12 years ago by kevincam
0 804 posted 12 years ago by kevincam
Joomla SEF to work properly it is based on Joomla menus. In your own components for SEF to work and menus to appear your need to pass the Itemid to links. To do this you need to get the Itemid based on on the URL link. Here is how you get the Itemid...
1 1000 posted 12 years ago by kevincam
xxxx1... are tables from master site xxxx2... are tables from client site
0 726 posted 12 years ago by A973C
Remove noscript tag and will work
0 720 posted 12 years ago by bubaphex
This will detect the Home Page of Joomla and perfom whatever code you tell it to
0 874 posted 13 years ago by dburgess
It's not possible to use the standard syntax to retrieve the current id of the Joomla module in a Joomla xml element. This code parses the url and grabs the last part of the url which i atypically the module id when editing a module in the Joomla adm...
1 970 posted 13 years ago by joomlabamboo
0 892 posted 13 years ago by bubaphex
Replace in modules\mod_menu\tmpl\default_component.php
0 874 posted 13 years ago by vyatka
Remove Mootools from the Joomla Header in a Joomla Template
0 833 posted 13 years ago by bubaphex
If a module is set to display, load this
0 782 posted 13 years ago by bubaphex
Used in template's, load this if home page etc
0 783 posted 13 years ago by bubaphex
You can use this in Joomla extensions where you need to get the current language locale for example to use with Facebook Connect/Like plugins etc. in the "en_US" format. With facebooj JS, all you have to do is replace the default locale with the resu...
0 1041 posted 13 years ago by burconsult
Basic sample courtesy of John Martin @ www.bigspring.co.uk/
0 925 posted 13 years ago by beneberle
If you wanna use images stored by K2 in your custom scripts/classes you'll need to know how K2 generates the names... (took me quite a bit to find that, because they're not stored in the _k2_items table)
0 973 posted 13 years ago by iroybot
Primeiro de tudo criar um novo formulário com os campos: Criar campos: nome username (com validação alphanumeric) password email e um submit button. Na área dos scripts colocar o código e ter em atenção que conforme a versão do joom...
0 803 posted 13 years ago by montejunto
First, find the proper package from http://www.joomla.org/download/ and copy its path. Then, over ssh, navigate to the root of the joomla install and perform these commands. In the case of an upgrade, this will overwrite in place the needed files, an...
0 966 posted 13 years ago by beneberle
publish to everywhere except VirtueMart checkout pages (I think!)
0 672 posted 13 years ago by morktron
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