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convert numbers to letters Ce module permet de convertir un chiffre entier de 0 à 99999999999999. La méthode utilisée est la décomposition du chiffre par récursivité. nous divisons le chiffre par les éléments suivant : 10^9 (milliard) 10^6 (...
0 5642 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
list all the files in a directory
0 1626 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
count the number of files in a directory
0 1952 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
count the number of folders in a directory
0 1392 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
list files from directory and subdirectory into a table 'On déclare une arraylist qui contiendra tous les fichiers
0 2884 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
How to create, copy, move, delete a file? Pour créer, copier, déplacer ou supprimer un fichier, on utilise la classe System.IO.File
0 1090 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
Checking customer's IP address if is match with billing address is one of the simple steps in order to prevent fraud. If you are looking for sample codes to validate that the transaction is being requested by the real cardholder, see below.
0 1173 posted 8 years ago by Hexahow
Easily populate VB.NET DataGridView with data from MSSQL Server Stored Procedure
0 2255 posted 8 years ago by ManuelToledo
Conexión a base de datos con los parametros que llega del contructor
0 944 posted 8 years ago by systemergon
Ejecutar sp retornando un datatable, Ejecutar sp retornando un dataset, Ejecutar sp Update retornando los registros actualizados
0 975 posted 8 years ago by systemergon
I thought I share this code snippet because I find this way of SMS sending an easy solution. I believe that even beginners can implement this VB.NET SQL SMS application, but I think some extent of perfection in the SMS technology is required for bett...
0 1483 posted 9 years ago by LoganTurn
Use the code below to convert the IP address of your web visitors and lookup for their geographical location, e.g. country, state, city, latitude/longitude, ZIPs, timezone and so on. Free database can be downloaded at http://lite.ip2location.com.
0 1984 posted 9 years ago by Hexahow
Select discrete cells in a sheet
0 968 posted 11 years ago by ducalpha
I came across a permission issue when using the standard Directory.Exists() method, so I came up with another way to check if a Directory exists avoiding those permission issues. This works very well. It can be converted to C'#.
0 1481 posted 11 years ago by nimblebits
You can use this to get the page source code of any valid URL. Tested on VS2010.
0 2121 posted 11 years ago by nimblebits
This is a method that can be used to take a connection string and a valid oledb command and perform a scalar. This returns an Integer/Int32 value.
0 1035 posted 12 years ago by nimblebits
The .NET Framework doesn't support automatic detection of character encoding in the default file I/O methods. This is a quick function that returns True in the specified file is Unicode.
0 1282 posted 12 years ago by ShaneGowland
Dynamic Add css file in header
0 932 posted 12 years ago by kzelda
VS.NET Macro to list all projects in current solution that have TreatWarningsAsErrors=false.
0 816 posted 12 years ago by slolife
0 1130 posted 12 years ago by jsturtevant
0 875 posted 13 years ago by Gompje
Because there is no way to use object extenders in vb.net here is an example of how you can get similar functionality. See the C# example for further info.
0 1053 posted 13 years ago by bryanlyman
this code will show you how to save data from gridview to xml file
1 1239 posted 13 years ago by tabook22
This code will sow you how to create a new datatable
0 1110 posted 13 years ago by tabook22
Create a new xml file and display it in browser
0 1478 posted 13 years ago by tabook22
This code will be used to bind an xml file to gridview
0 1156 posted 13 years ago by tabook22
This code snippet is used to add data to an existing xml file
0 1335 posted 13 years ago by tabook22
how to print controls in ASP.NET 2.0 using both server side code and javascript.
0 1238 posted 13 years ago by derebus
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