
Member since 07/29/2019

Name: martin brait

Location: France

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convert numbers to letters Ce module permet de convertir un chiffre entier de 0 à 99999999999999. La méthode utilisée est la décomposition du chiffre par récursivité. nous divisons le chiffre par les éléments suivant : 10^9 (milliard) 10^6 (...
0 5148 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
list all the files in a directory
0 1490 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
convert numbers to letters (french) V2
0 1420 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
convert numbers to text (french) V1
0 2006 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
count the number of files in a directory
0 1776 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
count the number of folders in a directory
0 1245 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
count the folders and subfolders of a directory
0 1412 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
list files from directory and subdirectory into a table 'On déclare une arraylist qui contiendra tous les fichiers
0 2704 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
How to create, copy, move, delete a file? Pour créer, copier, déplacer ou supprimer un fichier, on utilise la classe System.IO.File
0 970 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
Read a file with the file function
0 1086 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
read the first line of text of a file on the server To read the first line of text in your file: The fgets () function retrieves the first 4096 characters from the first line of your file.
0 1147 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
How to list directories and subdirectories in an excel sheet ?
0 3784 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
How to list files in directories and subdirectories ?
0 1474 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
How to list files, with details, in an excel sheet
0 1161 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
How to list recursively files, in an excel sheet ?
0 1031 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
How to list files from a directory ?
0 1084 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
rechercher une valeur dans une variable tableau (Array) en VBA Find some value into an array
0 1680 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
List of access database queries Pour tester, ouvre la fenêtre de Debug (CTRL G), et tapes-y 'ListeRequetes' et appuye sur la touche [Entrée].
0 1084 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
List only certain files in a folder with PHP Lists only certain files extensions as links on a page from a defined folder
0 1151 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
php list all files of a given directory
0 1010 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
php selection list of french departments
0 1198 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
php list files and directories beginning with .... 1 paramètre d'entrée
0 1133 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
How to populate an array with recordset data
0 1063 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
Le code suivant vous permet de copier un fichier (par exemple un document Word ou un PDF) dans une archive existante. Cela implique que le fichier original sera ajouté à l'archive mais restera également dans sa forme originale (non-compressée) à l'en...
0 911 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
Il suffit d'indiquer le nom du fichier à archiver et le nom de l'archive. Par défaut, si l'archive mentionné existe déjà, la macro va l'effacer avant de le recréer. Archive / compress a file with VBA
0 1057 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
Comment lister tous les fichiers d'un répertoire dans un fichier excel ? Excel (VBA) list all filenames in a directory mastipro
0 1609 posted 4 years ago by martinbrait
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