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Getting files, folders, file count, folder count in a directory with php and writing them to a web page
1 1400 posted 12 years ago by duzenz
need to get the url from a youtube/vimeo embedded code without the querystring's
0 890 posted 12 years ago by fetz
I like using public properties, as they greatly aid in API development and proper encapsulation. Here's my solution for having the ease of public variable getting without the dangers of public variable setting.
0 742 posted 12 years ago by phpexpert
goes in the ~/wp-content/theme/functions.php
0 611 posted 12 years ago by darronz
Individuelle Infoboxen im Kategorie-Archiv von WordPress
0 505 posted 12 years ago by Perun
gt: greater than lte: less than or equal to not IE: <!--[if> -->
0 795 posted 12 years ago by webtechdev
Just a few quick functions to display the date in PHP.
0 944 posted 12 years ago by jknight42
Convert rgb color detected by jQuery into hex value.
0 802 posted 12 years ago by macodev
Very helpful function for sorting multi-dimensional arrays
0 878 posted 12 years ago by chasecrawford
Como parametro se tiene que tener la cantidad de meses que se desea sumar a la fehc a de inicio
0 620 posted 12 years ago by serialk89
The php if statement below checks to see if the content is an archive page. If it is, then it echoes the html structure for meta description tags and also includes the month and year to avoid content duplication.
0 806 posted 12 years ago by goatboy91587
Do not allow public to see your dir structure just pleae this code in .htacces Futther reading There are two ways to approach this. The best way to do this is via your .htaccess or httpd.conf file (if you have your own Apache server). If your h...
0 718 posted 12 years ago by webtechdev
This 'Check if HTTPS is on in PHP' script accounts for servers which set HTTPS differently. Some servers do not set HTTPS, others set it to 'off', etc. Only checking if HTTPS is on will cause an 'undefined index error' in these cases.
0 898 posted 12 years ago by kf0l
WordPress top posts: custom post type / taxonomy Ordered by comment count
0 1162 posted 12 years ago by lswilson
For use with Headway Child Themes.
0 588 posted 12 years ago by codepunk
Disables the design editor in the VE when using a child theme.
0 564 posted 12 years ago by codepunk
Add stuff to the footer block.
0 601 posted 12 years ago by codepunk
A class i started to implement, which ended up in a working concept However I'm not sure if it's a legal way of programming since I unnessesery changes the structure of php without some real value except nicer structure For now it remain a conce...
0 771 posted 12 years ago by Knarf
Very simple to use Web Poll Class, simply create a new instance, set the question and set the answers. You still have to set up your database yourself
1 707 posted 12 years ago by RobertHegeraad
Ordena Array Bidimensional Asociativo de acuerdo a parametro del array.
0 692 posted 12 years ago by serialk89
Another source: http://wpswitch.com/blog/wordpress/an-introduction-to-wordpress-custom-fields/
0 644 posted 12 years ago by morg7801
Show only children posts of a parent custom post type, not all child posts
0 1364 posted 12 years ago by i-am-andy
Add a custom ID to the body, useful for when the classes added to the body aren't descriptive enough on pages like Archives and single
0 1013 posted 12 years ago by i-am-andy
Show all child pages content and featured image on the parent page
0 1134 posted 12 years ago by i-am-andy
This code is applied from http://www.ultramegatech.com/blog/2009/06/snippet-converting-seconds-to-readable-time/
0 686 posted 12 years ago by zierocode
Wordpress 3.3 custom post type query that will get all of the taxonomies, loop through them, and output the posts from each.
0 793 posted 12 years ago by dolbex
Check if URL is HTTPS
2 1917 posted 12 years ago by the_construct
adds a shortcode
0 455 posted 12 years ago by silviogohl
Simple class to retrieve an ID using a URL of the Youtube
0 1050 posted 12 years ago by leandroperes
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