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This is a free Magento extension that allows notifications to be sent to administrators when there are new orders placed <p>_ Check new orders through mails without logging in</p> <p>_ Permits multiple email addresses to get notifications</p> <p>_...
0 943 posted 9 years ago by magestore
Técnicas de Programación. Ejercicio 33 - Algoritmo selección (usando un array auxiliar)
0 828 posted 11 years ago by MauricioM
We are setting up two variables. The assignment in the middle part of the for loop is also tested for truthfulness — if it succeeds, the loop continues. Since i is incremented each time, items from the array will be assigned to item in sequential o...
0 1032 posted 12 years ago by hellowouter
Ordena Array Bidimensional Asociativo de acuerdo a parametro del array.
0 692 posted 12 years ago by serialk89
Ordena cualquier array multidimensional en base a un campo específico
0 831 posted 12 years ago by n19ht
Use a shortcode [sitemap] to render a sitemap ordered by custom menu order (Wordpress 3+).
0 1527 posted 13 years ago by ablears
0 883 posted 13 years ago by ragnarokkrr
0 827 posted 13 years ago by nathanbweb
1 750 posted 13 years ago by samwa
Custom sorting for events based on a custom field needs to be added to navigation-links.php requires plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ambrosite-nextprevious-post-link-plus/
0 821 posted 13 years ago by hussong
0 695 posted 13 years ago by albertoprb
0 653 posted 13 years ago by rumremix
Orders a multi-dimensional field (such as sorting multiple $orders by field 'id')
0 817 posted 13 years ago by jmiller
0 711 posted 14 years ago by bradless
Probably not the most elegant solution, but it works. Needed this for a capistrano deploy task which shows the most recent tagged releases in my repository. Very bare bones, and needs tweaking if your versions are not in X.X.X.X format.
1 829 posted 14 years ago by bananastalktome
TRouBLe T - op R - ight o u B - ottom L - eft e
0 679 posted 15 years ago by thesmu
L oVe HAte L - ove o V-isited e H-over A-ctive T E
1 688 posted 15 years ago by thesmu
Put this before the loop in archive.php to have posts in the archive for category '26' sorted by custom field 'date'. Assign sortable values like '090501' or '2009-05-01' to those fields when editing posts and your Upcoming Events will be sorted by...
8 1745 posted 15 years ago by hussong
Allows the user to bind an event into a certain position in the call stack for events.
3 948 posted 15 years ago by garside
Quick little snippet for changing the ordering of a field in a MYSQL database.
1 924 posted 15 years ago by Zync
sorting a table through javascript
3 905 posted 15 years ago by ginoplusio
0 1042 posted 15 years ago by Wardy
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