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This function returns True if the specified form is open in form view or datasheet view.
0 786 posted 14 years ago by CaptainProton
A modification of Bill James' New Folder context menu script ( http://billsway.com/vbspage/ ), this script instead creates a "New File" item in the right click context menu of Directory Backgrounds. Upon running the New File item, you will be prompte...
0 1189 posted 14 years ago by karlhorky
This method runs a SQL query and returns the first result (the query is expected to return exactly one record and one field).
0 800 posted 15 years ago by CaptainProton
This method checks whether a ListBox contains a certain item (based on its text).
0 842 posted 15 years ago by CaptainProton
This method creates a query with a given name and given SQL. Note: Requires the deleteQuery(String) method.
0 716 posted 15 years ago by CaptainProton
This method deletes a query with a given name. Note: Requires the queryExists(String) method.
0 687 posted 15 years ago by CaptainProton
This method checks whether a query with the given name exists.
0 729 posted 15 years ago by CaptainProton
This method checks whether a given string is a valid date (current regional settings are used)
0 821 posted 15 years ago by CaptainProton
This method returns a TreeView node based on its key.
0 758 posted 15 years ago by CaptainProton
PowerShell script. Get all installed in system COM objects.
0 922 posted 15 years ago by AlexLocust
The easy way to set this up is to go to the macro window by pressing alt+F11. Select the sheet from left panel. there will be two drop down. from the left drop down select worksheet and from right drop down list select the event 'change'.
0 1023 posted 15 years ago by derekholmes
Creates the table using the VB
0 1281 posted 15 years ago by staley412
Tools > Macro IDE > Add new item to MyMacros > Select Module, Name 'AttachToWebServer' > Copy/paste code. To set as a keyboard shortcut go to Tools > Options > Keyboard, and search for the name of the macro (AttachToWebServer) and then assign a ke...
0 1019 posted 15 years ago by HologramX
Say you've got data combined in such a way that there is a repeated row header, but all the data is in different rows. If you were to consolidate all the rows down to one, only taking valid values (discarding blanks), you'd have one header row with a...
0 814 posted 16 years ago by pckujawa
Used with calendar button
0 779 posted 16 years ago by heislekw
0 867 posted 16 years ago by goo
0 710 posted 16 years ago by goo
0 721 posted 16 years ago by goo
Takes a delimited string and a the delimiter, and returns a dynamic arrary
0 658 posted 16 years ago by ScryptKeeper