
Member since 11/27/2006

Name: Bèr Kessels


Location: Nijmegen, Netherlands


The way of the Hacker - Long term #Drupal developer - owner of - OpenSource lover - Long term #linux user - Rails user

27 snippets

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berkes's Recent SnippetsTagged drupal

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Drupal allows hook_update_N to run any sort of code. Most of the time, however, people only use this to alter the database scheme. But you can use it for much more. Like setting variables, creating nodes, importing views and so on. This code show...
2 1120 posted 15 years ago by berkes
By using hook_form_alter, you can add your own callback functions to any Drupal form. These functions will be called when Drupal validates the form and when Drupal submits it. In example below, a module called 'simple_checkout' adds its own hand...
1 901 posted 15 years ago by berkes
Wizzlern, a Dutch Drupal trainer, has a Dutch article online on how to remove the "search this site" label in the Drupal search-block.
2 1030 posted 15 years ago by berkes is one of the Best hosters for Drupal in Netherlands. But they require one change to the .htaccess in order to run.
0 736 posted 15 years ago by berkes
1 831 posted 15 years ago by berkes
I had several vocabularies but wanted to merge them into one. A simple query does this for you. The vocabulary_id where I wanted to merge all the tags into is 3 The vocabulary_id where the tags are to be merged from is 7, 8 and 12
2 884 posted 15 years ago by berkes
Takes a .sql file and runs trough that, each line as an update_sql. Very usefull to track and migrate your blocks/views/cck etc changes.
0 910 posted 15 years ago by berkes
A common Drupal problem: how to save e.g. your blocks configuration without dragging an X Gig database around. A simple command that dumps a table in a way that it can be inserted into SVN. Every row is dumped as a single line, and they are sor...
1 849 posted 15 years ago by berkes
A bash script that calls Drush for all your multisite sites and returns a list of available and installed modules for each site.
2 961 posted 16 years ago by berkes
Drupal helper function to debug a table. Returns the contents and some explanation of a database table in a rendered format (HTML table). **NOTE** You REALLY do not want to put this function behind any kind of menu_callback and/or on other pages....
1 1398 posted 16 years ago by berkes
A per-region override. ogt_blocks is ran for a region, if a region contains blocks, we search for a theme function named theme_region_regionname(). If exists, we run that, else we just return the concatenated blocks for that region.
1 1015 posted 17 years ago by berkes
An easy debug trick: gives you a variable that you can print in any tpl.php to find out what vars you have available there.
1 1062 posted 17 years ago by berkes
Place the first function, phptemplate_links() in your template.php file. Alternatively (and IMO better) is to name the function your_theme_name_links() where your_theme_name is the name of your theme. From here on, you can add theme functions like...
2 1022 posted 17 years ago by berkes
Sets a module's weight to the lowest number. This assures that your module is ran before all other modules. Userfull if you want your implementation of a hook to be ran first. Add this to your .install file. Replace your_modulename with the name of...
2 863 posted 17 years ago by berkes
Add these lines to Drupals settings.php. Probably works on other systems, then Drupal too.
1 1102 posted 17 years ago by berkes
Removes the core, and node styles from the $style variable. You most morbably already defined _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars), in that case just add the two lines there. _sympal_theme.. is the name of the theme where we use this.
3 1021 posted 17 years ago by berkes
Shortens a string, and adds a span with a title of the full string. Function is useful for listings where you don't want wraping; or for places where a long string liek a username can break the layout.
1 1033 posted 17 years ago by berkes
This snipped adds columnstriping to cells. It works fine for most cases, but will behave strange when combined with colspan. Cells get an additional class 'even-col' or 'odd-col'
2 1106 posted 17 years ago by berkes
Put classes around your bodyy, to allow different colors for seperate pages and areas on your site. IT will simply add a css-safe version of the first argument in an url. Say the url is /about_us/our_company the class will be body.about-us Require...
2 909 posted 17 years ago by berkes
A form alter to gove Drupal a separate teaser field.
3 962 posted 17 years ago by berkes
callback in a form alter to enforce an exposed filter to use only the options set in filter. Works for selectlists only.
2 876 posted 17 years ago by berkes
A form alter implementation to create variables to flag certain features per node type. E.g. Show foo on blogs only: example_blog == 1;
1 694 posted 17 years ago by berkes
This snippet is for use with image module, a small contributed module for image handling. (Yes: in Drupal you need a /contributed/ module for this o_O. The template snippet links the images to their own node.
2 841 posted 18 years ago by berkes
Counts the total amout of nodeviews between now and a year ago (the last 31536000 seconds).
1 741 posted 18 years ago by berkes
This snippet is for use with image_attach, a small contributed module that uses image module to create nice thumbs in any node type. The template snippet makes the images show up larger in the body node, and instead of linking to itself, it links t...
2 769 posted 18 years ago by berkes
Grab all users that never logged in.
1 958 posted 18 years ago by berkes
menu_get_item does not return a menu ID.
2 754 posted 18 years ago by berkes
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