
Member since 11/28/2010

Name: Mike More


Website: http://www.moretechtips.net

Web developer, jQuery plugin author, social media fan and blogger at http://www.MoreTechTips.net , Also tweets at http://twitter.com/mike_more

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A new version of my most popular jQuery plugin -Twitter Friends widget. This version aims to be better looking and easier to setup.
1 760 posted 12 years ago by mikemore
Highly customizable search widget for Google+ that is inspired by Twitter widgets. This widget searches across the body and comments of public posts and displays a summarized version of matching posts with any attached images.
0 611 posted 12 years ago by mikemore
As Google+ API was just released a couple days ago, it is time to have a posts widget for it. So, this widget was created to display your Google+ profile and slides down your recent posts with any attached images.
0 598 posted 12 years ago by mikemore
As of my ongoing preparation for the 1K tweet :) I was interested to see the 1000th tweet from some friends timeline. And when I didn't find an existing method, I thought I could write few jQuery lines to solve this..
1 853 posted 13 years ago by mikemore
Simple jQuery script to display Twitter trending stories of your website and their Twitter trackbacks by combining 2 of my jQuery plugins - Popular on Twitter Widget & Twitter Trackbacks Widget. [Read more](http://www.moretechtips.net/2010/10/combin...
1 536 posted 13 years ago by mikemore
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