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use this SQL query to find out an applications full name (aka long name) and/or application id based on the application short name. This can obviously be re-written to perform the reverse.
posted 14 years ago by theonlyalterego
sometimes we botch an import, and end up with return or newline characters in the field. So fields which should be empty have \r in them, or fields with text data have an invisible trailing newline. This makes it impossible to match the text values....
posted 14 years ago by powerthru
To sort varchar fields which contain numeric data & returning XML
posted 14 years ago by aunlead
Solucion a error cuando mudamos una bd de una pc a otra y luego no podemos crear un diagrama de la BD
posted 14 years ago by derebus
Declaramos tantas variables como campos vaya a devolver la select que nos estamos currando para el cursor, en este ejemplo con dos campos vamos contentos:
* declare @campo1 int
* declare @campo2 int
Ahora declaramos el cursor, al cual...
posted 14 years ago by derebus
You would use a CURSOR FOR Loop when you want to fetch and process every record in a cursor. The CURSOR FOR Loop will terminate when all of the records in the cursor have been fetched.
posted 14 years ago by mprabhuram