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Можно выкладывать даже файлы, содержащие кириллицу в названии. Они будет подвергнуты транслитерации, пробелы и другие небезопасные симÐ...
0 862 posted 15 years ago by almazom
0 794 posted 15 years ago by almazom
creates something like list_49 with the 49 corresponding to id of record in database.
0 791 posted 15 years ago by deschism
0 770 posted 15 years ago by almazom
Put the following in your controller to define the content-type for *that* specific controller.
0 612 posted 15 years ago by chrisamini
count(*args) Count operates using three different approaches. Count all: By not passing any parameters to count, it will return a count of all the rows for the model. Count using column: By passing a column name to count, it will return a count of...
1 834 posted 15 years ago by deschism
The 'request' and 'response' objects are chock full of useful info. But console can't usually access them. Here's how: start the server with the -u option, insert a breakpoint where you would like to have access to the controllers/helpers/etc. Wh...
1 954 posted 15 years ago by cczona
Can be used to generate a random code for an online voucher. You just need to set VOUCHER_CODE_LENGTH in your environment.rb or similar.
1 846 posted 15 years ago by jordanbrock
2 722 posted 15 years ago by nhutto
Instead of simply adding a list of things at the end of the array, you can also pass in a hash and change the question marks to actual named replacements. This can help you keep the order of your arguments straight.
1 690 posted 15 years ago by sohooo
0 784 posted 15 years ago by oli
3 849 posted 15 years ago by oli
Install an older version of a gem.
1 856 posted 15 years ago by twofivethreetwo
Populate your states table with US States. Easy rake task for it.
2 830 posted 15 years ago by twofivethreetwo
1 629 posted 16 years ago by filiptepper
1 974 posted 16 years ago by tonic
2 709 posted 16 years ago by tonic
I normally paste this into config/mongrel.rb, then add "require 'mongrel'" in my config/deploy.rb Once that's done, you'll be able to start, stop, and restart your mongrels like so: `cap deploy:mongrel:start/stop/restart`
3 757 posted 16 years ago by jimmyebaker
Send file from different name
1 838 posted 16 years ago by tonic
2 1001 posted 16 years ago by tonic
1 840 posted 16 years ago by mikegreen
"The new naming scheme for template (eg. .html.erb) does not seem to work for partials. When using :partial => 'form' a filename "_form.html.erb" is not recognized. " Rails now requires the partial to be referenced by dotted format
1 794 posted 16 years ago by cczona
1 770 posted 16 years ago by udayrayala