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Change with your id FB.
0 947 posted 12 years ago by BebenKoben
i don't know if this is amazing or scary
0 613 posted 12 years ago by ederfortunatO
I dont remember the author this code.
1 768 posted 12 years ago by tcelestino
0 849 posted 12 years ago by shufflepath
0 642 posted 12 years ago by shufflepath
Php conditionals to echo proper audio tags
0 911 posted 12 years ago by poot26
Html5 audio tag
0 537 posted 12 years ago by poot26
Html5 Skeleton
0 718 posted 12 years ago by poot26
Basic layout of a typical template homepage
0 585 posted 12 years ago by amichels
0 620 posted 12 years ago by kminov
Starter code for HTML5 web page.
0 689 posted 12 years ago by bahamakyle
If you place favicon.ico and apple-touch-icon.png in the root of your website, these references are NOT required.
0 783 posted 12 years ago by Huskie
Prevent links in standalone web apps opening Mobile Safari
0 962 posted 12 years ago by ichnoweb
Facebook have changed the way you add apps to pages (Fuck sake!!!!!!!!!!)
0 842 posted 12 years ago by the_construct
Create custom web clip icons or "app logos" in various sizes to be displayed (instead of the default site snapshot) when users save your site to their Home screens. Across Safari iOS devices. Add in the <head> in the same place you call your norm...
0 814 posted 12 years ago by beneberle
This snippet can be used to redirect the user to a different page (launch-page index.html) using only HTML
0 707 posted 12 years ago by sommertim
0 646 posted 12 years ago by the_construct
0 689 posted 12 years ago by tilakapash
0 617 posted 12 years ago by tilakapash
Simple mix of basic CSS, HTML, and jQuery to detect IE and display a message to the user encouraging them to update.
0 823 posted 12 years ago by thewickedchemist
0 656 posted 12 years ago by abdelatifs
An example of a more semantic version of jQuery Mobile.
3 952 posted 12 years ago by tpryan
An example of less semantic jQuery Mobile Code
1 948 posted 12 years ago by tpryan
3 684 posted 12 years ago by ubershiz
Remember to change flashvars (src, poster) and the size of the player in swfobject.embedSWF parameters (428, 240)
0 743 posted 12 years ago by carlskov
This is the header.php file from Soul Care Aesthetics - complete with CSS and social icons spaces
0 785 posted 12 years ago by guitarman2uk
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