this passed in w3c validator, trust me

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i don't know if this is amazing or scary

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="en">
  3. <meta charset="utf-8" />
  4. <title>this passed in w3c validator, trust me</title>
  5. <style type="text/css">
  6. /* it's work! */
  7. #♫☺☼♥{
  8. background-color: #0DD;
  9. }
  11. <table id=♫☺☼♥ border=1>
  12. <tr><th> column 1 <th> column 2
  14. <tr><td> line 1.1 <td> line 2.1
  15. <tr><td> line 1.2 <td> line 2.2
  16. <tr><td> line 1.3 <td> line 2.3
  17. <tr><td> line 1.4 <td> line 2.4
  18. <tr><td> line 1.5 <td> line 2.5
  19. <tr><td> line 1.6 <td> line 2.6
  20. <tr><td> line 1.7 <td> line 2.7
  21. </table>
  23. /* it's work! */
  24. document.getElementById('♫☺☼♥').setAttribute("border", "0");
  25. </script>

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