
Member since 11/28/2008

Name: Mikko Ohtamaa

Location: Oulu, Finland

Website: http://twitter.com/moo9000

Python, Javscript, mobile, iOS, Android

6 snippets

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miohtama's Recent Snippets

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Create smaller tiles out of a larger bitmap image
0 1691 posted 13 years ago by miohtama
A javscript snipped which will mark each table cell with a CSS class containing the cell's column number. This allows you to set the table column widths using just one CSS rule and without hand editing the table HTML code. This is to workaround the l...
0 1442 posted 15 years ago by miohtama
Split and manipulate URLs easily with this module. It has similar interface to Python's urlparse library. This is patched and modified version from Denis's orignal implementation.
1 999 posted 15 years ago by miohtama
It is utterly annoying when DOM event handler exceptions fail silently with Firebug. This package fixes this common problem.
0 716 posted 15 years ago by miohtama
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