
Member since 02/15/2010

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3 828 posted 14 years ago by jaff
Animated countdown in jQuery.
1 598 posted 14 years ago by jaff
A smart Javascript date picker.
0 725 posted 14 years ago by jaff
Use /* <![CDATA[ */ to make validators ignore the javascript code.
0 988 posted 14 years ago by jaff
Remove the doctype and any xml namespace declarations from your header and quirks mode will take care of the rendering, additionally this fix is not compatible with IE8 rendering so we need to put IE8 in emulation mode
1 813 posted 14 years ago by jaff
This plugin allows you to collapse the inner text so that it adjust into specific width or container width.
1 979 posted 14 years ago by jaff
Amazing form validator using the jQuery framework!
1 681 posted 14 years ago by jaff
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