
Member since 06/18/2009

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Replace filename with the name you want to give the zip file. The .zip extension is automatically appended to the end of the filename. Replace inputfile1 and inputfile2 with the names of the files you wish to include in the zip archive. You can inclu...
2 885 posted 14 years ago by beneberle
Don't forget to commit afterward.
0 1102 posted 14 years ago by beneberle
1. Update your working copy to the latest revision. 2. Merge a specific revision to your current working copy: svn merge -rHEAD:xxxx [svn-repository-url] [path-to-local-copy] * HEAD – indicates the revision of the local copy of the cod...
0 988 posted 14 years ago by beneberle
Returns path to physical
0 563 posted 14 years ago by beneberle
0 624 posted 14 years ago by beneberle
Just updated for WP 3 (added wp_postmeta table for menus)! Test out the new installation thoroughly but everything should be fine, and your CMS should be running live on the new server!
0 664 posted 14 years ago by beneberle
The first directory listed is the one to copy, the second is where it's copied to.
0 588 posted 14 years ago by beneberle
To make an image browser, add these lines: $ext = strtolower(substr("$dirArray[$index]", strrpos("$dirArray[$index]", '.') + 1)); //get file extensions if ("$ext" == "jpg") { // if file is a jpg print("<TR><TD>$dirArray[$index]<br/><a href=\...
1 667 posted 14 years ago by beneberle
Turn On or Off Hidden Files in Terminal
0 639 posted 15 years ago by beneberle
this will chmod the current directory, and all sub directories and files.
0 1503 posted 15 years ago by beneberle
- a javascript for alternate row/column table striping - supports row hover, column hover and cell hover effects and click events. demo here:
0 666 posted 15 years ago by beneberle
3 763 posted 15 years ago by beneberle
Eric Meyer's venerable reset css styles.
1 553 posted 15 years ago by beneberle
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