
Member since 01/11/2011

Name: Jason Parker

Location: Nottingham, UK

Father & Nerd that Loves - Music, Football, Darts, The Net & Apple but Hates - Early Mornings, Ignorance & Apple (owns a MacBook Pro & iPhone!)

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overflow: hidden; will hide both vertical and horizontal scrollbars overflow-y: hidden; will hide the vertical scrollbar overflow-x: hidden; will hide the horizontal scrollbar
0 769 posted 12 years ago by TheJasonParker
Fooman GoogleAnalyticsPlus: The key to seeing the different steps in your checkout is ensuring a page view is triggered each time one of the sections of the checkout i...
1 1134 posted 12 years ago by TheJasonParker
Replace the code below in your templates 'media.phtml' file. This has mouseover and mouseout but can be removed it needed.
0 753 posted 12 years ago by TheJasonParker
Go to the Windows command line by going to Start -> Run and typing in cmd. You need to change directory to the MySQL bin directory. On my version, the directory is c:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql4.1.22\bin. Therefore, the command to change to this dire...
0 754 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
Gunzip can currently decompress files created by gzip, zip, compress, compress -H or pack programs.
0 695 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
Ftp your *.sql file to the (remote) machine, login via SSH and then go to the directory where your sql file is and run this code.
0 665 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
Wrap these two sets of commands around your sql backup if it hasn't come from a backup from the Magento admin interface (Magento adds this). This stops foreign key checks and then restarts them. The /*!40101 ---- */ code around the SET command...
0 719 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
Save the file to the directory where Magento resides.
0 664 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
And a now, word on the log.php maintenance script that comes with Magento 1.4 which has one major shortcoming. It doesn’t maintain your dataflow_batch_* tables, said tables have been seen hiding in the wild at over a Gigabyte in size. php -f...
0 717 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
This fixes the way Magento imports data as it just keeps adding ‘straight join’ to the array which uses a lot of memory if your importing a lot of products and will kill the import. Replace this function in /lib/Varien/Db/Select.php This h...
0 658 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
Change the category id and store id at the top of the script before running it. You can also remove the echo statements if you don’t want any output.
0 657 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
Replace 'A1' with the cell and '-' with the character you want to remove.
0 888 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
First off, create your CSV with 2 columns, the parent ID for the category and the category name – you could easily add more columns for extra options, but it wasn’t necessary for us. The CSV file should be something like this: 3,subcat 4,s...
0 600 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
Simply save the above code in a PHP file in the base Magento directory of your store, and visit the URL in your web browser, simples!
0 628 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
Create a CSV with a maximum of 1 column, with just the Magento category ID.
0 578 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
The easiest way to pull this off is by means of a quick script. The key to this script is that the indexing functionality is disabled entirely for the process, then enabled again at the end – requiring a manual update at the end. In our case, we...
0 819 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
After the MySQL above has run – you’ll need to let Magento take the reigns back a little to update the category indexes, this is quite straightforward, but a little time consuming. Login to your admin and go to System > Cache Management, the s...
0 660 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
You'll first need to find the attribute_id value for 'status' for your Magento installation and replace 273 in this example. The easiest way to tell is if you go into: Admin > Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes Then in the “Attribute...
0 977 posted 13 years ago by TheJasonParker
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