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The following example of iOS Phone sample SMS code employs user-friendly object, with a basis on the HTTP API.
0 1275 posted 7 years ago by Broadnet
The following example of iOS Phone sample SMS code employs user-friendly object, with a basis on the HTTP API.
0 1280 posted 7 years ago by Broadnet
A conference call is a meeting, conducted over the phone using audio, between two or more people and usually for the purposes of discussing a particular topic. In my former snippets I dealt with text-to-speech and speech-to-text functionalities. So t...
0 1764 posted 9 years ago by warnerBro19
In my previous snippet I have written about converting text to speech using C#. This code snippet can be used not just for allowing your computer to read txt aloud, but also for speech recognition. To implement this functionality I used Microsoft Sp...
0 1940 posted 10 years ago by warnerBro19
I have heard about this solution on the Facebook, and I thought it is worth to share my source code to help other developers interested in converting text to speech using C#. Text-to-speech refers to the ability of computers to read txt aloud. This f...
1 1498 posted 10 years ago by warnerBro19
This step-by-step tutorial describes how to build an HTML5-based mobile web app by means of Webix library (open source, GPL) and PhoneGap framework. As a result you’ll get an awesome native app for Android devices with rich UI and high performance.
0 1408 posted 10 years ago by kengajunior
Note: change build Action of file to resource
0 984 posted 10 years ago by vhdm
don't forgot to add capability ID_CAP_IDENTIFY_DEVICE
0 923 posted 10 years ago by vhdm
for save settings in windows phone
0 853 posted 10 years ago by vhdm
Validating phone number using jquery
0 1412 posted 11 years ago by satinfo30
Introduction: Pin Based login is a mechanism to authenticate user, by sending one time valid pin to user's phone. This implementation makes use of a mOTP API for sending one time pin, via Missed call and thus eliminates any cost involved with the...
0 1046 posted 11 years ago by motp
Generic function - Pass the context to the function for use with any field
0 916 posted 12 years ago by chetkloss
Return a pure 10-digit phone number if the number given is 10 digits or 11 digits.
0 1538 posted 12 years ago by chrisvogt
Formats a 10-digit phone number into a good format (123) 555-1234
0 1536 posted 12 years ago by cpres
An easy way to detect shakes on mobile devices with equipped accelerometer.
0 1190 posted 13 years ago by vamapaull
Put in head tag
0 898 posted 13 years ago by stephcode
0 1024 posted 13 years ago by stephcode
Built for german numbers.
0 897 posted 14 years ago by bionickid
From the tutorial, Validating Various Input Data in Flash (http://active.tutsplus.com/tutorials/actionscript/validating-various-input-data-in-flash/)
1 1207 posted 14 years ago by Activetuts
Split a single phone number input field into 3 small input fields and create an hidden field for validation and keep server side variable name.
0 1063 posted 14 years ago by touffies
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