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def telrank(str): """ Synopsis: Rank a string based on how fast it is to type on a typical phone keypad (lower is faster). Return -1 if invalid input. Examples: 'PAPA': P-A-P-A = 4 'FATHER': DDD(F)-A-T-GG(H)-DD(E)-PPP(R) = 12 'DADDY': D-A-D-PAUSE-D-WWW(Y) = 7 + PAUSE_PENALTY Reference: ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQRS TUV WXYZ """ SEQ = "ADGJMPTWBEHKNQUXCFILORVY00000S0Z" PAUSE_PENALTY = 100 # penalty if same key has to be pressed twice (for delay) str = str.rstrip() if not str.isalpha(): return -1 rank = 0 order = -1 for letter in str.upper(): idx = SEQ.find(letter) level = idx/8 if order == idx%8: pause_penalty = PAUSE_PENALTY else: pause_penalty = 0 order = idx%8 rank = rank + level + pause_penalty + 1 return rank
URL: http://i.vshal.com/2010/12/telrank.html