/ Published in: JavaScript

- I have not tested on android
- This is not animated as I did not need it for my needs. To make it animated, look at the second to last line in the function `layer3.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().rotate(angle);` You should be able to animate the rotation angle.
- This is not animated as I did not need it for my needs. To make it animated, look at the second to last line in the function `layer3.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().rotate(angle);` You should be able to animate the rotation angle.
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var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ width:'100%', height:'100%' }); win.open(); function circularProgressBar(options) { var opts = options; if (opts.percent == null || opts.percent > 1 || opts.percent < 0) opts.percent = 1; if (opts.size == null) opts.size = 46; if (opts.margin == null) opts.margin = 4; if (opts.backgroundColor == null) opts.backgroundColor = '#fff'; if (opts.progressColor == null) opts.progressColor = '#4ba818'; if (opts.topper == null) opts.topper = {}; if (opts.topper.color == null) opts.topper.color = '#fff'; if (opts.topper.size == null) opts.topper.size = 36; if (opts.font == null) opts.font = {}; if (opts.font.visible == null) opts.font.visible = true; if (opts.font.size == null) opts.font.size = 12; if (opts.font.color == null) opts.font.color = '#900'; if (opts.font.shadowColor == null) opts.font.shadowColor = '#aaa'; if (opts.font.shadowRadius == null) opts.font.shadowRadius = 1; if (opts.font.shadowOffset == null) opts.font.shadowOffset = {}; if (opts.font.shadowOffset.x == null) opts.font.shadowOffset.x = 0; if (opts.font.shadowOffset.y == null) opts.font.shadowOffset.y = 1; var mainHolder = Ti.UI.createView({ left: options.left, right: options.right, top: options.top, bottom: options.bottom, width: opts.size + opts.margin, height: opts.size + opts.margin, borderRadius: (opts.size + opts.margin) / 2, backgroundColor: opts.backgroundColor }); var holder = Ti.UI.createView({ width: opts.size, height: opts.size, borderRadius: opts.size / 2 }); var layer1 = Ti.UI.createView({ width: opts.size, height: opts.size, borderRadius: opts.size / 2, backgroundColor: opts.progressColor }); var layer2 = Ti.UI.createView({ left: 0, width: opts.size / 2, height: opts.size, anchorPoint: { x: 1, y: 0.5 }, backgroundColor: opts.backgroundColor }); var layer3 = Ti.UI.createView({ right: 0, width: opts.size / 2, height: opts.size, anchorPoint: { x: 0, y: 0.5 }, backgroundColor: opts.backgroundColor }); var layer4 = Ti.UI.createView({ right: 0, width: opts.size / 2, height: opts.size, anchorPoint: { x: 0, y: 0.5 }, backgroundColor: opts.progressColor }); var topper = Ti.UI.createView({ width: opts.topper.size, height: opts.topper.size, borderRadius: opts.topper.size / 2, backgroundColor: opts.topper.color }); var percentText = Ti.UI.createLabel({ visible: opts.font.visible, width: Ti.UI.SIZE, height: Ti.UI.SIZE, color: opts.font.color, font: { fontSize:opts.font.size }, shadowColor: opts.font.shadowColor, shadowRadius: opts.font.shadowRadius, shadowOffset: { x: opts.font.shadowOffset.x, y: opts.font.shadowOffset.y }, textAlign: Ti.UI.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, text: (opts.percent * 100) + '%' }); mainHolder.add(holder); topper.add(percentText); holder.add(layer1); holder.add(layer2); holder.add(layer3); holder.add(layer4); holder.add(topper); var percent = opts.percent; var angle = 360 * percent; layer2.visible = (angle > 180) ? false : true; layer4.visible = (angle > 180) ? true : false; layer3.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().rotate(angle); return mainHolder; } /* Circular Progress Bar Options percent: A value between 0 and 1 size: The size of the circular progress bar margin: The margin of the circular progress bar backgroundColor: The backgroundColor of the circular area progressColor: The backgroundColor of the progress bar -- topper.color: The center circle color topper.size: The size of the center circle --- font.visible: Boolean to display the font or not font.color: The font color font.size: The fontSize font.shadowColor: The font shadow color font.shadowRadius: The font shadow radius font.shadowOffset.x: The x value of the shadow shadowOffset font.shadowOffset.y: The y value of the shadow shadowOffset */ var circleProgress = circularProgressBar({ percent:0.35, size:46, margin:4, backgroundColor:'#fff', progressColor:'#4ba818', topper: { color:'#fff', size: 36 }, font: { visible: true, color: '#900', size: 12, shadowColor: '#aaa', shadowRadius: 1, shadowOffset: { x: 0, y: 1 } } }); win.add(circleProgress);