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Tool to download youtube videos with STDIN (PIPE) support for playlist parsers like umph or youParse
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#!/usr/bin/python3 # Name: tubeNick.py # Version: 1.5 # Author: pantuts # Email: [email protected] # Description: Download videos from youtube. # Use python3 and later. # Agreement: You can use, modify, or redistribute this tool under # the terms of GNU General Public License (GPLv3). This tool is for educational purposes only. # Any damage you make will not affect the author. # Send bugs to above email. # Usage: python3 tubeNick.py youtubeURLhere # Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/tubenickdownloa/ import re import urllib.request import urllib.error import sys import time COLON = '%253A' BACKSLASH = '%252F' QMARK = '%253F' EQUALS = '%253D' AMPERSAND = '%2526' PERCENT = '%2525' MATCHED_LINK = [] SIGNATURE = [] COMPLETE_LINK = [] VIDEO_TYPE = [] VIDEO_RES = [] FINAL_LINK = [] sTUBE = '' final_title = '' final_url = '' url = '' final_f_format = 0 arg_queryf = '' arg_format = '' arg_f_format = [] ######################################################################## def main(): global url global arg_format global arg_queryf if len(sys.argv) < 2 or len(sys.argv) > 4: return usage() elif len(sys.argv) == 2: if sys.argv[-1] == '-h': return usage() else: if sys.argv[-1] == '-': url = list(sys.stdin.readlines()) else: url = sys.argv[-1] elif len(sys.argv) == 3: for args in sys.argv: if '-h' in args or '-f' in args: print('\nCommand ERROR...'); exit(1) if sys.argv[1] == '-q': sys.argv[1] = '-q'; arg_queryf = sys.argv[1] else: return usage() if sys.argv[-1] == '-': url = list(sys.stdin.readlines()) else: url = sys.argv[-1] elif len(sys.argv) == 4: for args in sys.argv: if '-h' in args or '-q' in args: print('\nCommand ERROR...'); exit(1) if sys.argv[1] == '-f': sys.argv[1] = '-f'; else: return usage() arg_format = sys.argv[2] if sys.argv[-1] == '-': url = list(sys.stdin.readlines()) else: url = sys.argv[-1] else: return usage() if sys.argv[-1] == '-': i = 0 while i < len(url): check_url(url[i].split('\\')[0]) i = i + 1 else: check_url(url) ######################################################################## def usage(): print('\nUSAGE: python3 tubeNick.py -q [-f format] [URL or [-] STDIN]') print('Optional arguments:') print('\t-q \t\tQuery video formats. Use of -f will be invalid.') print('\t-f format\tSupply queried format. Highest video if blank.') print('\t-h \t\tPrint this.') print() ######################################################################## def check_url(url): global final_url tmp_url = 'http://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?video_id=' invalid = '~`!@#$%^&*()_=+{[}]|\\:;"\'<,>.?/' tmp_id = '' final_id = '' eq = 0 last_id = 0 split_url = url.split('/') tmp_id = split_url[-1] if 'v' not in url: print('[-] URLError: Invalid link.'); exit(1) if len(url) < 20: print('[-] URLError: Invalid link.'); exit(1) if 'youtube.com' not in url and url != '-': print('[-] URLError: Youtube URLs only.'); exit(1) if 'watch?v=' in tmp_id: eq = tmp_id.index('=') + 1 if '&' in tmp_id: tmp_split = tmp_id.split('&')[0] final_id = tmp_split[eq:] else: final_id = tmp_id[eq:] # the video id for requesting get_video_info final_url = tmp_url + final_id if final_url: con = 'Connecting...\n' i = 0 while i < len(con): sys.stdout.write(con[i]) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.01) i = i + 1 connection(final_url) ######################################################################## def connection(final_url): global sTUBE try: req = urllib.request.Request(final_url) req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0') yTUBE = urllib.request.urlopen(req) sTUBE = str(yTUBE.read()) except urllib.request.URLerror as e: print(e.reason); exit(1) if sTUBE: rep_page(sTUBE) ######################################################################## def rep_page(sTUBE): REP_STR = [COLON, BACKSLASH, QMARK, EQUALS, AMPERSAND, PERCENT] if REP_STR[0] in sTUBE: sTUBE = sTUBE.replace('%253A', ':') if REP_STR[1] in sTUBE: sTUBE = sTUBE.replace('%252F', '/') if REP_STR[2] in sTUBE: sTUBE = sTUBE.replace('%253F', '?') if REP_STR[3] in sTUBE: sTUBE = sTUBE.replace('%253D', '=') if REP_STR[4] in sTUBE: sTUBE = sTUBE.replace('%2526', '&') if REP_STR[5] in sTUBE: sTUBE = sTUBE.replace('%2525', '%') crawl_youtube(sTUBE) ######################################################################## def crawl_youtube(sTUBE): global VIDEO_TITLE global MATCHED_LINK global SIGNATURE global COMPLETE_LINK global VIDEO_TYPE global VIDEO_RES global final_title global final_f_format global arg_f_format # get title vid_title = re.search(r'title=\w.+', sTUBE) if vid_title: the_title = vid_title.group() if '&' in the_title: tmp_title = the_title.index('&') else: tmp_title = len(the_title) - 1 f_title = the_title[6:tmp_title] final_title = f_title.replace('+', ' ') for per_num in ['%21','%22','%23','%24','%25','%26','%27','%28','%29',\ '%2D','%5F','%3D','%2B','%5B','%7B','%7D','%5D','%7C','%5C',\ '%3A','%3B','%2C','%3C','%3E','%2E','%3F','%2F']: if per_num in final_title: final_title = final_title.replace(per_num, '') else: print('[-] ERROR: Can\'t find video title. Title set to default.'); final_title = 'DownloadYTube' # get links match = re.findall(r'http://\w.+?cp.+?video.+?quality.+?3D\w.+?%', sTUBE) if match: for mat in match: MATCHED_LINK.append(mat) # get signature find_sig = re.search(r'sig+\S.+quality', mat) if find_sig: c_sig = find_sig.group() final_sig = c_sig[6:-10] SIGNATURE.append(final_sig) #print(final_sig) # for link / get last characters [id] if 'id=' in mat: y_index = mat.index('id=') id_last = y_index + 19 li = mat[:id_last] COMPLETE_LINK.append(li) # get video type if 'video/' in mat: vid_start = mat.index('video/') vid_end = vid_start + 11 vid_type = mat[vid_start:vid_end] for vid_cod in ['flv', 'webm', 'mp4', '3gp']: if vid_cod in vid_type: VIDEO_TYPE.append(vid_cod) else: print('[-] URLError'); exit(1) # get formats/resolution fmt = re.search(r'fmt_list=\S.+?\&', sTUBE) if fmt: frmt = fmt.group().split('%2F') for v_format in frmt: if 'x' in v_format: VIDEO_RES.append(v_format) else: print('Can\'t find video formats. '); exit(1) # append and combine video type and resolution j = 0 while j < len(COMPLETE_LINK): arg_f_format.append(VIDEO_TYPE[j] + '_' + VIDEO_RES[j]) j = j + 1 # if argument is [ -q ] if arg_queryf: i = 0 print(final_title) while i < len(COMPLETE_LINK): print('[+] ' + VIDEO_TYPE[i] + '_' + VIDEO_RES[i]) time.sleep(0.04) i = i + 1 flush() else: # if argument is [ -f ] and the default format if arg_format is not None and arg_format in arg_f_format: final_f_format = arg_f_format.index(arg_format) elif arg_format not in arg_f_format and len(sys.argv) != 2: print('\n' + arg_format + ' not in video formats.') exit(1) else: final_f_format = 0 final_download_link() ######################################################################## def final_download_link(): global FINAL_LINK i = 0 while i < len(COMPLETE_LINK): FINAL_LINK.append(COMPLETE_LINK[i] + '&signature=' + SIGNATURE[i]) i = i + 1 download() ######################################################################## def download(): req = urllib.request.Request(FINAL_LINK[final_f_format]) req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0') try: tmp_req = urllib.request.urlopen(req) tmp_size = tmp_req.getheader('Content-Length') size = int(tmp_size) print('Downloading...') # for reporthook in urlretrieve, 3 arguments needed def download_progress(counter, bsize, size): prog_percent = (counter * bsize * 100) / size sys.stdout.write('\r' + final_title.replace(' ', '') + '.' + VIDEO_TYPE[final_f_format] + \ ' .......................... %2.f%%' % int(prog_percent)) sys.stdout.flush() urllib.request.urlretrieve(FINAL_LINK[final_f_format], (final_title.replace(' ', '') + \ '.' + VIDEO_TYPE[final_f_format]), reporthook=download_progress) print('\nDone.') flush() except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: print('Error downloading : ' + e.reason); exit(1) ######################################################################## def flush(): del MATCHED_LINK[:] del SIGNATURE[:] del COMPLETE_LINK[:] del VIDEO_TYPE[:] del VIDEO_RES[:] del FINAL_LINK[:] sTUBE = '' final_title = '' final_url = '' url = '' final_f_format = 0 arg_queryf = '' arg_format = '' del arg_f_format[:] ######################################################################## if __name__ =='__main__': main()
URL: https://sourceforge.net/projects/tubenickdownloa/