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0 1299 posted 7 years ago by chrisaiv
0 1021 posted 8 years ago by chrisaiv
This snippet is used to covert any date to days like today, tomorrow, 2 days ago, 2 weeks ago or even 1 years ago.
0 1158 posted 8 years ago by dipenpatel
How to manage and update user locations using the onUnityLocations delegate.
0 955 posted 8 years ago by TenDegrees
Using the searchUnity function to read groups and contacts from a Unity server based on a search string.
0 1002 posted 8 years ago by TenDegrees
This snippet shows you how to reload the UIAppearance of an application after changes made on the proxies. This is required because iOS nativaly only load appearance proxies on "applicationDidFinishLaunching".
0 1752 posted 10 years ago by Nibli
Very simple use of an non-animating spritesheet for iOS
0 925 posted 10 years ago by sidneydekoning
enqueue a block at a certain time
0 1016 posted 10 years ago by yannxou
Insert our text in IOS UIView with UILabel on screen
0 891 posted 10 years ago by ferlom
method to convert int to float in ObjC
0 1575 posted 11 years ago by pecta
This is a template for a UIPickerView delegate and data source. Implement these methods to manage UIPickerViews.
1 1045 posted 11 years ago by BreadicalMD
This is all about appending strings.
0 1200 posted 11 years ago by ryantxr
pass variables from iOS app to web site (synchrone version)
0 974 posted 11 years ago by code4mac
pass a variable from web site (in php, in this case) to iOS app.
0 997 posted 11 years ago by code4mac
Example of how to build and call a class or object
0 1012 posted 11 years ago by kutyadog
I wanted to make a function / method and pass a var to it form another class.
0 962 posted 11 years ago by kutyadog
simple snippet to open url with an ibaction in safari
0 910 posted 11 years ago by code4mac
This method will alloc the current class unless the device is a phone (also defined here). Then it will try to alloc the class with the suffix "Phone."
0 918 posted 11 years ago by yar
Create a UIButton programatically
1 1013 posted 11 years ago by zopebie
The UISegmentedControl consists of a horizontal control divided into segments. Segmented controls are useful for allowing users to pick from a group or set of values. Each segment functions as its own button. By default, selecting a segment will d...
1 1090 posted 11 years ago by zopebie
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