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How to style a submit button so it looks like text
2 922 posted 15 years ago by Wardy
This snippet creates a basic input and label combo for an html form. Has tab stops at relevant places for adding for, id and name attritbutes
2 807 posted 15 years ago by superdeluxesam
0 489 posted 15 years ago by TimHaslam
This code is both basic and available from 24ways.org, but it's damn handy to reach through the snipplr plugin from textMate. PS: all cred to Rachel Andrew & the 24ways team.
4 811 posted 15 years ago by stavelin
Translated by David Hunter.
0 964 posted 15 years ago by DaveChild
7 1256 posted 15 years ago by DaveChild
0 2599 posted 15 years ago by DaveChild
0 594 posted 15 years ago by fredaudet
Just for a quick copy and paste. A cool Lorum Ipsum generator is at [lipsum.com](http://www.lipsum.com/).
1 694 posted 15 years ago by wizard04
Great page for testing the style guide for a website.
0 20143 posted 15 years ago by jonhenshaw
First noscript tag redirects the user to the page telling them to allow scripts. Second section is an example page of one which will go to the default page if scripts are allowed, or to give them a message otherwise.
1 660 posted 15 years ago by Anthony
CSS 3 media queries test for html, table columns disappear when browser window width is changed; Fx 3.1
2 853 posted 15 years ago by sullei
0 639 posted 15 years ago by Wiederkehr
2 578 posted 15 years ago by dvdrtrgn
1 571 posted 15 years ago by dvdrtrgn
PHP: The Basics - Manual
1 689 posted 15 years ago by dvdrtrgn
9 923 posted 16 years ago by fredaudet
2 904 posted 16 years ago by fredaudet
The refresh meta-tag for the html header to redirect to another url.
0 692 posted 16 years ago by Wiederkehr
2 714 posted 16 years ago by bklapholz
Should work for image/gif as well. Allegedly not supported by IE
0 1270 posted 16 years ago by rengber
This HTML/CSS shows how to make text inputs with rounded corners in the most basic way (it doesn't expand according to its width).
6 1119 posted 16 years ago by reneolivo
Applications: 1. Centered block with unknown width 2. Simple block which can have float style (f.e. horizontal menu)
1 644 posted 16 years ago by kossmoss
IE can't handle [ option disabled="disabled" ] tags, so this htc will help
0 931 posted 16 years ago by localhorst
1 785 posted 16 years ago by sherakama
5 978 posted 16 years ago by sherakama
Flash sucks, embedding it sucks more, find out how to make it not suck.
2 927 posted 16 years ago by neal_grosskopf