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This .htaccess actually forces all traffic to https, and allows cakephp app to work properly, as well as letsencrypt to go thru
0 1293 posted 6 years ago by acosonic
Name this script whatever you want, and run it via Workbench Scripting shell
0 1063 posted 6 years ago by acosonic
Typically when you use Security->requireSecure() to do https redirects, you have to make sure you do pass all data from http to https.
0 690 posted 7 years ago by Pidarasiya
How do you use the elastic-search plugin with cake's native pagination?
0 832 posted 7 years ago by Pidarasiya
<p>Follow these steps to secure your Cakephp Website:</p> <p>*Before you actually start using Security Component functionality, make sure you use $components = array (‘Security’, ‘Auth’) in the array so you can extend its functionality in...
0 941 posted 9 years ago by cakephpexpert
This post having the list of top 50 cakephp interview questions and answers
0 1057 posted 9 years ago by kp32
This post will explain how to upload and download PDF file in cakephp.
0 1202 posted 9 years ago by kp32
CakePHP - Acesso a Dois Bancos de Dados
0 768 posted 9 years ago by temistoclesarea
this method generates and returns a unique slug, given a string.
1 821 posted 11 years ago by artaserse
Update current field data.
0 700 posted 11 years ago by tucq88
Get current url. Include domiain. For example :http:// localhost/root_folder.
0 1134 posted 11 years ago by tucq88
add site name to the page title
0 785 posted 12 years ago by artaserse
0 828 posted 13 years ago by pacifists
Ruby uses created_at and updated_at. Here cake will do the same thing. based on http://book.cakephp.org/view/1015/created-and-modified
0 851 posted 13 years ago by kendsnyder
CakePHP Interview Questions
0 988 posted 13 years ago by erraja_07
0 692 posted 13 years ago by dmertl
Drop the Zend Framework Library folder into your Vendors folder
0 653 posted 13 years ago by shahways
3 747 posted 13 years ago by luglio7
This problem occurs when there is a duplicated name for the first level item (optgroup) and a second level item (option). The rendered select will not contain the mentioned option unless you do the following...
0 1072 posted 13 years ago by sveggiani
A small snippet on how to create a dynamic model in CakePHP (useful for global functions that need a model to function. IE functions defined in the AppController
0 599 posted 13 years ago by stolkchris
If you're ever bothered by CakePHP's limited breadcrumbs support for displaying them use this to build your own!
2 668 posted 13 years ago by stolkchris
This snippet can be called in every controller, all you need to do is to specify the form name, the model name and the data.
1 601 posted 13 years ago by stolkchris
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