
Member since 08/07/2012

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zopebie's Recent SnippetsTagged ios

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Create a UIButton programatically
1 1237 posted 12 years ago by zopebie
The UISegmentedControl consists of a horizontal control divided into segments. Segmented controls are useful for allowing users to pick from a group or set of values. Each segment functions as its own button. By default, selecting a segment will d...
1 1329 posted 12 years ago by zopebie
When performing tasks that may take some time, you often need to provide some kind of visual feedback to your users. If you know how long the task will take to complete, you can use a progress indicator to show the user how much of the task has been...
1 936 posted 12 years ago by zopebie
Reference: http://iosfonts.com/
1 1887 posted 12 years ago by zopebie
A sample code to show the scrolling, panning and zooming with UIScrollView
1 1409 posted 12 years ago by zopebie
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