
Member since 05/28/2007

11 snippets

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ch.qos.logback logback-classic 0.9.8
1 1341 posted 16 years ago by thebugslayer
1. mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=deng -DartifactId=mywebapp -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp 2. Replace web.xml with 3. Replace pom.xml in this snipplet. 4. mvn...
1 851 posted 16 years ago by thebugslayer
this goes under src/main/resource/META-INF/persistence.xml
0 738 posted 16 years ago by thebugslayer
0 592 posted 16 years ago by thebugslayer
0 570 posted 17 years ago by thebugslayer
2 771 posted 17 years ago by thebugslayer
Usage: save the script to ~/scripts/my.bashrc and then source it in .bashrc.
0 903 posted 17 years ago by thebugslayer
Eg: groovy findjar "Servlet" /opt/tomcat/lib
1 654 posted 17 years ago by thebugslayer
This demonstrate the expressiveness of Groovy vs Java.
1 2288 posted 17 years ago by thebugslayer
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