Search entry in jar files

/ Published in: Groovy
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Eg: groovy findjar "Servlet" /opt/tomcat/lib

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  1. #!/usr/bin/env groovy
  3. import java.util.jar.*
  5. //Usage check.
  6. if(args.size() <2){
  7. println "usage: ${} searchstr jarfile [jarfile]"
  8. println " jarfile can be a directory, which will include all jar files."
  9. }
  11. //Collect args for jar files.
  12. searchstr = args[0]
  13. jarfiles = []
  14. args[1..-1].each{ arg->
  15. file = new File(arg)
  16. if(file.isDirectory()){
  17. file.eachFileMatch(~/.*\.jar$/){ jarfiles.add(it) }
  18. }else{
  19. jarfiles.add(file)
  20. }
  21. }
  22. //println binding.variables
  24. //Find and print the entry listing!
  25. jarfiles.each{ file->
  26. jarfile = new JarFile(file)
  27. jarfile.entries().each{ entry->
  28. if ( =~ searchstr){
  29. println "$ : $file.canonicalPath"
  30. }
  31. }
  32. }

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