
Member since 07/25/2006

Location: New Zealand


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Stupidly simple, but I keep forgetting it.
0 846 posted 16 years ago by rengber
Typically won't work if the ASP.Net service identity (in the machine.config ProcessModel section) is a local account.
1 1259 posted 16 years ago by rengber
Noob stuff, but I always end up looking this up.
0 665 posted 16 years ago by rengber
This persists the dynamic classes generate by the .net serialize to disk at location C:\Documents and Settings\A063913\ASPNET\Local Settings\Temp Note. This will allow you to debug into the serialized classes from VS2005
1 796 posted 16 years ago by rengber
This is as small as this can go: 'xs:dateTime(sql:variable("@stringDate"))' It needs to be a literal string for the Value() function. Xml Datatype Sql:Variable() Function http://ms...
0 1210 posted 16 years ago by rengber
0 633 posted 16 years ago by rengber
If there will be multiple sets of these tags in a scanned XML string, you need the '?' after the '*' to specify a non-greedy (lazy) match.
4 1158 posted 17 years ago by rengber
You could eliminate the ListDictionary if you created a simple method to map C# types to DbTypes. Although this method also lets you skip over some object properties my using the ListDictionary to contain a subset of properties. It could also be us...
0 889 posted 17 years ago by rengber
1 732 posted 17 years ago by rengber
Weird issue with Intellisense and the HitTestInfo class. Just type it in, it will compile.
1 978 posted 17 years ago by rengber
Annotated version of the Microsoft/GotDotNet demo from the MSDN Wiki.
0 741 posted 17 years ago by rengber
Dots match any charecter, this matches any 7 chars. You need to change that bit to match a different pattern.
1 871 posted 17 years ago by rengber
0 597 posted 17 years ago by rengber
Very important to set the RefCursor Type. Otherwise you get the PLS-00306 Error 'Wrong Number or types of arguments'
0 815 posted 18 years ago by rengber
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