
Member since 12/01/2010

16 snippets

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Nice script for formatting dates in a batch file without having the system locale settings impact your format
0 1065 posted 10 years ago by kidmizere
Adding a linked server to MSSQL account - particularly a MYSQL server
0 609 posted 10 years ago by kidmizere
Prints all $_Server variables to table
0 743 posted 10 years ago by kidmizere
Lists only certain files extensions as links on a page from a defined folder
1 1521 posted 10 years ago by kidmizere
This will create a table, create an update trigger to add current datetime to modify_date field, do 2 inserts, 1 update and display the results.
0 693 posted 11 years ago by kidmizere
This formula will automatically change a cell's background color if there is data in it. You can also change the formula to only fill cells where there is no data.
0 782 posted 11 years ago by kidmizere
Save the following code as a macro and then apply it to the fields you want to convert
0 935 posted 12 years ago by kidmizere
Awesome shortcut.
0 702 posted 12 years ago by kidmizere
0 640 posted 12 years ago by kidmizere
0 746 posted 12 years ago by kidmizere
0 615 posted 13 years ago by kidmizere
This generates a simple insert statement for mysql based on all the variables in $_GET or $_POST using a simple page. It does not do the inserts although that is a simple addition - just builds and displays your insert statement.
1 1111 posted 13 years ago by kidmizere
Modify includes to connect and select to provide correct result set
0 1132 posted 13 years ago by kidmizere
0 658 posted 13 years ago by kidmizere
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