
Member since 07/09/2010

9 snippets

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StevenW721's Recent Snippets

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Calculates the amount of time since the date specified with yr, mon, and day. The parameter "countunit" can be "years", "months", or "days" and is the duration between the specified day and today in the selected denomination. The "decimals" parameter...
0 1008 posted 12 years ago by StevenW721
Adds a method to the jQuery Validation plugin ( to return false if the field equals a specified string
0 1999 posted 12 years ago by StevenW721
Calling generateHash() with a single argument (the plain text password) will cause a random string to be generated and used for the salt. The resulting string consists of the salt followed by the SHA-1 hash - this is to be stored away in your databas...
3 1032 posted 13 years ago by StevenW721
A simple one page form with attachment that is meant to go straight to the email and not uploaded to the server. Emails an HTML version, a PlainText version and the attachment if there is one.
4 1385 posted 14 years ago by StevenW721
Short and sweet, add the following two lines where you want to trigger a javascript function. Just change the javascript denoted in the code by "javascriptFunction()" with whatever you want to call. Also jsut in case make sure you have the allowScrip...
1 918 posted 14 years ago by StevenW721
Sometimes iframes are unavoidable, and in those cases you usually don't want it to be apparent there is one. This will find the height of the iframed contents and resize the iframe accordingly, making it appear to be part of the page. Almost positive...
2 978 posted 14 years ago by StevenW721
This one controller will load views based on the URI segments returned, good for static sites that don\\\\\\\'t require a controller for every page. Requires a view \\\\\\\"404\\\\\\\" as a default when nothing is found.
0 841 posted 14 years ago by StevenW721
5 974 posted 14 years ago by StevenW721
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