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This is a common model used to run some common functions like CRUD functions, get reference data from table, check for dependencies etc. So in other model, we don't have to add those function repeatedly
0 1095 posted 9 years ago by invtr
codeigniter autocomplete
0 933 posted 9 years ago by shivrajgoa
codeigniter autocomplete
0 928 posted 9 years ago by shivrajgoa
codeigniter autocomplete
0 916 posted 9 years ago by shivrajgoa
codeigniter autocomplete
0 907 posted 9 years ago by shivrajgoa
Try to run Codeigniter in a subfolder of a Wordpress installation and want to remove index.php for clean URLs? Put this code in a .htaccess file in your codeigniter directory ("cidir" in this example).
0 2173 posted 11 years ago by telltec
This is a list of county name which is generated in php and how to echo it in Codeigniter way. Hope this help!
0 1516 posted 11 years ago by jquery404
Just an example showing how to minimise the mixture of HTML and PHP in a view.
0 688 posted 12 years ago by JonnySnip3r
This is a useful class which utilizes Phil Sturgeon's helpful restclient (http://getsparks.org/packages/restclient/versions/HEAD/show). Reference the URL attached for PinnacleCart API docs. Example request URLs to get products and categories: #...
0 986 posted 12 years ago by crypticsoft
when someone trying to or two conditions using active record database library in codeigniter
0 788 posted 12 years ago by pruntrut
The styling information for the calendar
0 842 posted 12 years ago by jdhall75
Complete initialization for the new calendar class
0 837 posted 12 years ago by jdhall75
The orignial calendar class code before the changes
0 679 posted 12 years ago by jdhall75
At line 220 you should see the the start if an if block. This is the section that needs to be edited. I added the foreach block to itterate over the data array and create links in the table cells.
0 866 posted 12 years ago by jdhall75
Initializing the update calendar class
0 697 posted 12 years ago by jdhall75
Template for for Codeigniter calendar class. Modified from default for css styling and multiple events per table cell.
0 816 posted 12 years ago by jdhall75
0 818 posted 12 years ago by pruntrut
0 691 posted 12 years ago by pruntrut
0 651 posted 12 years ago by pruntrut
Basically, a simple way to use a templating system in CodeIgniter. In your data array, add a view as the value for content. Pass that to the view, then print the $content variable in the view.
0 684 posted 12 years ago by nielsenrc
solving unwrapped link in auto_link() function
1 682 posted 12 years ago by yllumi
I am having a bit of trouble figuring out what goes where in my application. I guess this is something of a fundamental lack of understanding I have, and I'm hoping somebody might be able to clear things up. This is all very much pseudo code. In...
0 694 posted 13 years ago by shoelessone
2 918 posted 13 years ago by farstar78
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