
FatFolderDesigner's Recent SnippetsTagged css
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With this file you can load stylesheets and minify the code while changing colors. The stylesheets are loaded using file_get_contents and you can attach them one after another if you have multiple sheets. The colors are replaces based on a variable t...
posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
The comments for this are broken down into 2 parts, first the script is talked about, then theres a little about the HTML code that the script relies on. You can find more information at the URL, as well as an example of it in action. You can leave c...
posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
After being tasked with creating inputs like those on the twitter homepage I came up with this inline label system that uses jquery to control the labels (in the vase of the example it fase and slides them).
The code is in three parts. First, the...
posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
A contract I work on uses tables to layout forms (kinda ghetto I know) and I wanted a text field with a button text to it that would work with their 100% width scheme. Normall it places to betton below the text input, but using this HTML and CSS it w...
posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner