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When running live filters on large, long scripts you can get old, stale results replacing your new, fresh ones. After all, a search for everything containing 'S" in a large database of city names can take a lot longer than "Seattle", so your script g...
posted 14 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Simple jQuery script to load additional content when you near the bottom of the page, same sorta thing Twitter does (although I originally programed it for a different use). Only thing of remark is the fact that it stores the current highest loaded v...
posted 14 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
I was working on this for a new site ideal I have, though it might be useful for others. What this does it sent a AJAX POST request every time the as() function is called. Setting the form to run as() onkeyup will essentially make the form submit its...
posted 14 years ago by FatFolderDesigner