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0 762 posted 11 years ago by MistaTwista
Returns array with information like: Input image width 200 height 200 print_r(ratioResize('path/to/image.ext' , 100 , 50)); output: array( [ratio] => .5, [height] => 50, [width] => 50,...
0 964 posted 11 years ago by ShawnG
This is my simple image resizer on the fly thing. -- WARNING -- Resizing and showing images on the fly could potentially kill your server or make the website slow. Ideally, this should save the resized image in a cache. However, more often th...
0 1273 posted 11 years ago by brownrl
JavaScript code to facilitate dynamic re-sizing of an iframe at the same time as the browser window is re-sized, as well as making sure that the frame scales proportionally to its width and height.
1 1015 posted 11 years ago by leodruker
Bind onload function to the iFrame and set the size of the iFrame to the iFrames loaded content. In the example jQuery is used.
5 966 posted 11 years ago by Neven
0 1102 posted 12 years ago by satie83
simple command that resize and crop, if necessary, an image, centering the image.
0 949 posted 12 years ago by artaserse
Funció que agafa les mides de la pantalla i redimensiona proporcionalment una imatge per a que s'adapti a ella.
0 898 posted 13 years ago by hectorlorenzo
I've previously posted this here: http://snipplr.com/view/59044/flexible-site-layout-with-resize-detection/ This new version is short and more efficient, plus it no longer shows 1 (harmless) error on launch. Works the same as last time, the sizabl...
2 1000 posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
0 860 posted 13 years ago by grgcnnr
A function that resizes an image to desired width and height, but does not distort the image proportions. Works for JPEG, GIF and PNG.
0 1081 posted 13 years ago by TimoZachi
Given an iframe element and a header element, make the iframe just high enough to fit in the browser window. On window resize, readjust. Keep a minimum height for the iframe.
0 1020 posted 13 years ago by kendsnyder
Tweaked from the icant.co.uk thumbnail generator
0 854 posted 13 years ago by dillonchr
0 787 posted 13 years ago by neoline
Resize and image to fit a predetermined canvas size
0 1102 posted 13 years ago by flatearthcomms
Still problematic... 1. The source of the iframe content must reside on the same domain 2. if the content inside the iframe changes height, this won't adapt 3. I left Google Analytics code off the demo above, as when I added it in it seems to in...
1 1074 posted 13 years ago by dubogii
simple jquery plugin that powers the text auto-resizing that is the basis of textagon.com
0 735 posted 13 years ago by secretgspot
Resize iframe height. This means if the content of your iframe is longer than the iframe height, and the iframe doesn't have a scrollbar, you can resize the height of the iframe so the content is viewed.
0 793 posted 13 years ago by kodomonster
The following script will easily allow you to resize images using PHP.
3 874 posted 14 years ago by enkas
I edit this from tylerhall on 11/30/-1
0 809 posted 14 years ago by redoc
Resize images that are greater than 800x600 and place them in the "small" directory.
0 796 posted 14 years ago by Carolyne
0 773 posted 14 years ago by ANT
I’ve made this function that receive the input $video string that contains the dirty embed code as it is from youtube. The second parameter $new_width (if specified) permits to resize the embed code proportionally to the width you need for your tem...
0 1363 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
If the optional parameter $crop is set to TRUE the image will be zoomed and cropped to specific size ($new_size). Else, the image will be resized to size, keeping aspect ratio and using $new_size as max size.
0 856 posted 14 years ago by stz184
0 877 posted 14 years ago by traeregan
1 982 posted 14 years ago by rave
1 912 posted 14 years ago by arif
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