/ Published in: jQuery

simple jquery plugin that powers the text auto-resizing that is the basis of textagon.com
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
function resizer() { this.resize = function(element, size) { this.init(element); element.css('font-size', this.growTo(size) + 'px'); this.tester.remove(); } this.init = function(element) { $('#resizeroo').remove(); this.tester = element.clone(); this.tester.css('display', 'none'); this.tester.css('position', 'absolute'); this.tester.css('height', 'auto'); this.tester.css('width', 'auto'); $('body').append(this.tester); this.size = 1; this.tester.css('font-size', this.size + 'px'); } this.emitWidth = function() { console.log(this.tester.width()); } this.grow = function() { this.size++; this.setSize(); } this.setSize = function(size) { this.size = size; this.tester.css('font-size', this.size + 'px'); } this.growTo = function(limit) { lower = 1; upper = limit-1; // do binary search going midway to determine // the best size while( lower < upper ) { midpoint = Math.ceil((upper+lower)/2); this.setSize(midpoint); if( Math.abs(limit - this.tester.width()) <= 1) { // close enough break } if(this.tester.width() >= limit) { upper = this.size-1; } else { lower = this.size+1; } } while(this.tester.width() > limit) { this.setSize(this.size-1); } return(this.size); } } (function( $ ){ $.fn.widtherize = function( options ) { return this.each(function() { var settings = { 'width' : 500 }; if ( options ) { $.extend( settings, options ); } r = new resizer(); r.resize($(this), settings.width); }); }; })( jQuery );