/ Published in: CSS

IE not interpreting text-indent on submit buttons ?
How it works
Let’s see how it works.
font-size:0 is used to reduce the font size and works well in IE7. But even after adding this line, you would notice a black line(which is basically the text) on the center of the button in IE6.
display:block Negative text-indent works in IE only if this is added.
line-height: 0 Another fix for IE6.
How it works
Let’s see how it works.
font-size:0 is used to reduce the font size and works well in IE7. But even after adding this line, you would notice a black line(which is basically the text) on the center of the button in IE6.
display:block Negative text-indent works in IE only if this is added.
line-height: 0 Another fix for IE6.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
input.button{ width:114px; height:37px; border: none; background: transparent url(images/submit_btn.gif) no-repeat center; overflow: hidden; text-indent: -999px; font-size: 0; display:block; line-height: 0; }
URL: http://www.productivedreams.com/ie-not-intepreting-text-indent-on-submit-buttons/