/ Published in: Bash

Basically allows for a one click build through a repository driving PhoneGap Build project.
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#! /bin/sh project="[phonegap projectnumber]"; username="[phonegap username]"; password="[phonegap password]"; appPath="[path to www folder]"; projectPath="[path where you want the apk file]"; APIPATH="https://build.phonegap.com/api/v1/apps"; FILEPATH="https://build.phonegap.com/apps/"; APIcall="$APIPATH/$project" creds="$username:$password"; ##commit changes echo "Forcing changes to github"; cd $appPath null=$(git commit -m "auto commit as part of script"); null=$(git push origin master); echo "Done"; cd $projectPath ##Request Phonegap data echo "Requesting Project Data."; package=$(curl -s -u $creds $APIcall | grep -Po '"package":.*?[^\\],'); title=$(curl -s -u $creds $APIcall | grep -Po '"title":.*?[^\\],'); title=${title##*:}; title=$(echo $title|sed 's/,//g'); title=$(echo $title|sed 's/"//g'); package=${package##*:}; package=$(echo $package|sed 's/,//g'); package=$(echo $package|sed 's/"//g'); echo "Done. "; ##Request Rebuild echo "Requesting Rebuild."; request=$(curl -s -u $creds -X PUT -d 'data={"pull":"true"}' $APIcall); echo "Done. "; donecheck=""; echo "\nWaiting for rebuild to be done."; while [$donecheck -eq ""] do echo "."; sleep 10; donecheck=$(curl -s -u $creds $APIcall | grep -Po '"android":"complete"'); done echo "Done. Now downloading.\n"; ##Download File download=$(curl -L -s -u $creds -o $title-debug.apk $FILEPATH/$project/download/android); ##Install on Device ~/Downloads/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall $package ~/Downloads/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r ./$title-debug.apk