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Everyone's Recent PHP Snippets Tagged wordpress

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To display events from The Events Calendar Pro organized by taxonomy
0 11338 posted 4 years ago by reflectiondigital
installed in a special folder /wp-content/mu-plugins and disabled auto-update plugins and core WP
0 11276 posted 4 years ago by cerxx
Get the Value of the Custom Field Using the Shortcode
0 9674 posted 4 years ago by cerxx
Underconstruction redirect
0 1076 posted 5 years ago by cerxx
Going through the templates and removing really isn’t an ideal solution here. Luckily there is a single function you can add to your child theme’s functions.php file that will disable this.
0 1205 posted 5 years ago by cerxx
JSON-LD is one of the micromarking schemes. If you use the SEO plugin Yoast SEO on your website, then it defaults to a JSON-LD scheme for the entire website that cannot be changed. In order for the site owner to be able to use any other microdata, th...
0 1752 posted 5 years ago by cerxx
By default, WordPress adds the? Ver = [version] parameter to the end of the address of all connected CSS and JavaScript files. The use of versioning adds a convenient mechanism for monitoring the state of the browser’s cache. After modifying the file...
0 1367 posted 5 years ago by cerxx
If you have been able to check your site by means of the PageSpeed ??Insights service, you may notice that it is not an easy task to recruit even 80% of the test results. Only by completing most of the recommendations of Google, you can hope for an i...
0 1149 posted 5 years ago by cerxx
In certain cases, it is useful to display additional information in a journal that does not report an error, but simply helps in writing your own code. For this PHP provides the function error_log (). This function does not provide formatting, so yo...
0 1069 posted 5 years ago by cerxx
Before moving on to the site migration, make sure that the new domain is parked for hosting. To do this simply: go to your new domain and if a message appears that the site has not been launched yet, then everything is fine. If nothing will open at a...
0 978 posted 5 years ago by cerxx
Automatically redirect users to the checkout page once a product has been added to the cart. This code should go to your functions.php file.
0 1152 posted 6 years ago by catswhocode
Too many revisions taking up space in your database? Use this script to find which posts have more than 10 - and then you can figure out what to do with them.
0 985 posted 8 years ago by JoshChris
A quick query example for a wordpress database query that gets posts ordered by distance via the custom fields `latitude` and `longitude`.
0 1219 posted 8 years ago by JoshChris
This is the simple plugin for your wp site , with this plugin you can embed snippets code from http://snipplr.com . Easy to use , just paste url from http://snipplr.com and thats it. Version: 1.1
0 921 posted 8 years ago by snipembed
A plugin that adds widget functionality to a third-party video modal plugin. The widget accepts a YouTube video ID and a thumbnail URL of the user's choice. It then generates a thumbnail link that launches a video modal via the third-party plugin. Op...
0 878 posted 8 years ago by julian90
Wordpress Loop - WP_Query
0 826 posted 8 years ago by alanyoshida
Snippet for a parent page to list child pages with excerpts.
0 903 posted 9 years ago by hussong
Allow login from specific IP Address
0 907 posted 9 years ago by nbpurohit
Disable "Add to basket" button for price zero
0 786 posted 9 years ago by nbpurohit
Courtesy Kevin Chard at WPSnipp.com. Adding this snippet to the functions.php of your wordpress theme will redirect your search to the post automatically when wordpress only returns a single search result.
1 1235 posted 9 years ago by adambundy
Hi, here i implement multiple image upload custom field to page post type if you want it for another post type just change post type name. Add this following code to your current theme’s function.php file. Go to your pages from wordpress admin a...
0 4547 posted 9 years ago by nbpurohit
Adds a Logout link to the end of your Primary Navigation is the user is logged in; else adds a Login link to the end of your Primary Navigation.
0 900 posted 9 years ago by entreprenerds
Show a list of active plugins on current site. I use it for diplaying in ManageWP and transfer to documentation
1 948 posted 9 years ago by ellegaarddk
Source: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/wordpress/customize-login-page/ Put them in your theme functions.php or make it a plugin.
0 889 posted 9 years ago by pauloc
To use WordPress 4 Customizer API I'd need just to do 2 steps: define a data in the array, and call a custom registering function.
1 883 posted 9 years ago by micklevin
Thanks to Tom McFarlin for this: https://gist.github.com/tommcfarlin/86e4f040bcc641a86f59
1 872 posted 9 years ago by adambundy
Get parent id of a category in the category template
0 746 posted 9 years ago by cld23
Sometimes it is usefull to hide that you're using wordpress. Rename wp-content folder to "media" and add this un wp-settings.php just before including the settings.
0 788 posted 9 years ago by burnandbass
Put it in functions.php
0 962 posted 9 years ago by burnandbass
0 908 posted 9 years ago by chrisaiv
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