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This simple function allows you to find a weeks position in the month based on a given date. For instance I needed to alert the user their date was the "Second Week Of January" during a given month. I may never use it again but it came in very hand...
posted 13 years ago by aristoworks
The date format is dd/mm/YYYY but you can replace slashes by anything else.
posted 13 years ago by ptiswitz
These are some date functions.
Get Current Week Start Date
Get Current Week End Date
Get Current Month Start
Get Current Month End
Get Current Year Start
Get Current Year End
and these functions can help you getting last week's start date...
posted 13 years ago by aamirrajpoot
This takes a date like so: Sat, 08 Jan 2011 from a database and allows you to use it in your code. For example if you wanted to work out a week from Sat, 08 Jan 2011 it can be done with ease. I created this for a project i am currently working on. Th...
posted 14 years ago by JonnySnip3r
Use this function if you need to get the same day in the next month (or how many you need).
Using defaults functions of php you got this:
echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime( " + 1 month " , strtotime('2010-01-31'))); (Output: '2010-03-03')
and if yo...
posted 14 years ago by vitorbari
Here is a little bit of code I use from time to time to make a generic some what safe date selector for forms. I wanted something easy, small, and not relying on images, jquery, libraries, etc... Most importantly I wanted the date that was selected t...
posted 14 years ago by brownrl
Display wordpress posts with custom date meta value, ordered by this date, with a defined taxonomy
posted 14 years ago by Mat_
First you have to add a custom value with a correct date format.
The lines:
`AND CAST(wpostmeta.meta_value AS DATE) > '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'
AND CAST(wpostmeta.meta_value AS DATE) < '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date2)."' `
are only used to select d...
posted 14 years ago by Mat_
Working on creating a 'days ago' script. I know some already exist, but I just want to know how to do it myself. I'm also incorporating leap year functionality and some utility functions that could be used on other projects.
posted 14 years ago by alvincrespo
Questo snippet modifica la posizione della data del post se questo è più vecchio di trenta giorni dalla data di pubblicazione.
posted 14 years ago by gavello