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Matches are as follows: 0 = protocol 1 = fqdn 2 = subdomain 3 = top level subdomain 4 = domain (blah.com) 5 = port 6 = path 7 = query string 8 = hash
1 821 posted 15 years ago by remotezygote
This function converts URLs and e-mail addresses within a string into clickable hyperlinks.
0 819 posted 15 years ago by paulgrenwood
0 904 posted 15 years ago by randyjhunt
I've made some changes
2 755 posted 15 years ago by fetolio
Read a page's GET URL variables and return them as an "associative array." Calling the function while at `example.html?foo=asdf&bar=jkls` sets `map['foo']='asdf'` and `map['bar']='jkls'`
17 6144 posted 15 years ago by the_coder
0 1095 posted 15 years ago by enchance
remove multiple spaces and replace with underscore
0 772 posted 15 years ago by rombob
This function converts URLs and e-mail addresses within a string into clickable hyperlinks.
2 939 posted 15 years ago by Mithun
The tetex implementation of BibTeX, LaTeX's bibliography tool, forcibly breaks lines above a certain length (79 chars) by inserting % signs and line feeds, unless they can be broken between words. This is a problem when URLs are referenced, or if co...
0 929 posted 15 years ago by deepsoul
0 2026 posted 15 years ago by traeregan
This line can be added to 'backend', 'frontend', 'listen' directives in the HAProxy config. It will redirect all requests for /books/mysql to /books.php?title=mysql
0 1533 posted 15 years ago by alexwilliams
In this example: *rewrite urls from domain.com to www.domain.com* This is somewhat documented elsewhere, but not very well, so here's an example on how to perform simple URL rewriting with HAProxy (instead of using mod_rewrite with apache)....
0 953 posted 15 years ago by alexwilliams
gibt die url plus storeview aus, also bspw: http://yourdomain.com/de/
0 700 posted 15 years ago by nico65
this function formats a web address for use in a link.<br> echo formatWebAddress("google.com");<br> http://www.google.com/
1 724 posted 15 years ago by jlvallelonga
Keeps your page intact if you don't wish to add to (just visit) Snipplr, by opening a new tab... also, this one works in both, Firefox + Safari/Opera.
1 699 posted 15 years ago by dvdrtrgn
Simplifies a button to use only one function for URL navigation.
1 627 posted 15 years ago by MacEvelly
3 1007 posted 15 years ago by jpsirois
3 921 posted 15 years ago by cshaiku
Example Running: alphaID(9007199254740989); will return 'PpQXn7COf' and: alphaID('PpQXn7COf', true); will return '9007199254740989' Easy right?
1 1144 posted 15 years ago by localhorst
this function processes a URL that 'should' be a full url (i.e. http://something.com/dfsdfs/) and makes sure it contains http:// for easy inclusion as a link into a href attribute
0 676 posted 15 years ago by iloveitaly
0 838 posted 15 years ago by iloveitaly
Use this code to pull a DotNetNuke URL from a tab name. We use this to replace "?tabname=blah" type URLs which do NOT transfer language info.
0 998 posted 15 years ago by jink
3 1058 posted 15 years ago by smoover
you'll need the ack (http://betterthangrep.com/) command line application
0 608 posted 15 years ago by iloveitaly
6 925 posted 15 years ago by bgriffiths
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