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This is a method that can be used to take a connection string and a valid oledb command and perform a scalar. This returns an Integer/Int32 value.
0 1117 posted 12 years ago by nimblebits
One line to determine start of previous month
1 853 posted 12 years ago by snoopmole
How to find a given column in a given database in MySQL
1 1009 posted 12 years ago by philsown
ver tablas que tiene un usario asiganadas por privilegio
0 4357 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
Uso de Grant y Revoke de objetos masivos de distintos user
0 806 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
0 747 posted 12 years ago by BrentS
Create a new database and its respective user with all privileges
0 768 posted 12 years ago by claudiodev
Cuando se da el caso que tienes 2 servidores diferentes y el ServiceName de oracle es el mismo...En el momento de crear un dblink hay que especificar bien la cadena de coneccion para que se direccione al otro servidor y no escoja el serviceName del e...
0 750 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
Delete a defined number of rows from a db2 database table
0 852 posted 12 years ago by claudiodev
Mostrar Objetos que hacen Referencia a un Objeto Especifico en Oracle
0 1004 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
SQL Server 2008 Date/Time Statements
0 654 posted 12 years ago by msstar
Consular los tablespace y mostrar su tamaño , uso y espacio libre en Megabyte
0 5022 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
SQL update examples using joins
1 842 posted 12 years ago by ed_trench
Borrar archivos Log con Rman
0 1523 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
find what profile values are set for a particular user
0 901 posted 12 years ago by theonlyalterego
Input: Month and year number Output: Last day of month
0 771 posted 12 years ago by sjmoorecouk
Function to prevent sql injection in Like queries, where the characters '_' and '%' can be dangerous.
0 1205 posted 12 years ago by TimoZachi
Example of SQL syntax to add a new column to an existing table, define a default value to the columns for the existing rows and also add a check constraint to limit the values that the column can hold.
0 1161 posted 12 years ago by denakitan
Search SQL Server or Oracle database for keyword embedded within stored procedures, functions, triggers, etc.
0 903 posted 12 years ago by jstrawther
Can be used when looking for values that are duplicates.
0 690 posted 12 years ago by BrentS
in order to avoid the .zip madness when creating a new module, you can make it available in the backend by firing a simple SQL in your DB. (mod_media is the name of the folder that holds it)
0 841 posted 13 years ago by iroybot
This query will retrieve a list of the parameters and value sets based on a provided concurrent program user name
0 1312 posted 13 years ago by theonlyalterego
Can use second, Minute and many other from the url above
0 736 posted 13 years ago by jsturtevant
Where clause to select multiple rows of unique values
0 862 posted 13 years ago by the_construct
While django provides the django_admin.py cleanup script, if sessions get out of control sometimes you have to go lower level to get everything cleaned up. If the problem gets out of hand and you hit the resource limits of the machine, it is very dif...
0 1362 posted 13 years ago by magicrebirth
Query to find the most recent logins for a particular user ( find 1 years worth )
0 1052 posted 13 years ago by theonlyalterego
This code allows you to create an ID field value for inserts into a table that does not auto increment itself
0 909 posted 13 years ago by ezerick
Searches for duplicate entries in the DataBase table
1 686 posted 13 years ago by Neven
intfield has this format: YYYYMMDD
0 2943 posted 13 years ago by wnasich
0 840 posted 13 years ago by danfsmith
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