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Convert rgb color detected by jQuery into hex value.
0 938 posted 12 years ago by macodev
This code is applied from http://www.ultramegatech.com/blog/2009/06/snippet-converting-seconds-to-readable-time/
0 796 posted 12 years ago by zierocode
This function accept one parameter (integer or float) and returns the same number writed with words. Useful for currencies and invoices.
0 1010 posted 13 years ago by stz184
It's very useful if you build a FLV player for example, and want to convert the time into minutes:seconds (example: 6:13) //apply it to your project like this (and don't forget to import the class): time.text = TimeUtil.getTimecode(timeValue);
0 1027 posted 13 years ago by vamapaull
This SAS macro will convert a dataset to a text file
0 1224 posted 13 years ago by webonomic
A pair of handy terminal commands for converting Apple .plist preference files from binary to XML format [allowing for easy editing with a text editor] and then back to binary again, afterwards.
0 1386 posted 13 years ago by stiobhart
This is a very rudimentary function used to convert a Datetime delivered by the Twitter API to a format you can store in MySQL's datetime field.
0 1522 posted 13 years ago by aristoworks
must install flac and lame apt-get install flac apt-get install lame
0 714 posted 13 years ago by pbreah
Sometimes a legacy database will have HTML entities stored in it. This function converts them. Note that this function assumes you have a database abstraction layer, and may need to be modified to connect to YOUR database.
0 2289 posted 13 years ago by f6design
0 885 posted 13 years ago by silentpro
0 1252 posted 13 years ago by kspal
Switches 'dd mm yyyy' to 'yyyy-mm-dd'
0 804 posted 13 years ago by nebojsac
Takes a number (no decimal) and converts it to written words.Why'd i write it to be able to do such big numbers? Why not? Note: The numbers next to the 'thousandfoldnums' are for your reference (thats how many zeros/places there are in that numbe...
0 1015 posted 13 years ago by lasavior
Con estas instrucciones se pueden corregir los caracteres latinos que hayan sido almacenados erróneamente en una base de datos MySQL
1 1918 posted 13 years ago by n19ht
Convert number of seconds to HH:MM
0 668 posted 13 years ago by odavy
1 1084 posted 13 years ago by frederichoule
0 707 posted 13 years ago by vss
0 739 posted 13 years ago by takel
This simply takes an array and coverts it to variables. E.g. If you had an array, $array = array("key" => "value"), after running this script, $key would be "value".
0 772 posted 13 years ago by mloberg
Stolen from stetho -- All thanks to AppleScript to convert CMYK to RGB values http://bit.ly/eP2mXS
0 1042 posted 13 years ago by brandonjp
Full credit for this goes to Deva Raj (@nsdevaraj). This is also a good function for doing a similar thing, http://snipplr.com/view/27954/as3-convert-a-number-to-a-string/
2 1195 posted 13 years ago by adrianparr
Full credit for this class goes to Deva Raj (@nsdevaraj). Many thanks.
1 1079 posted 13 years ago by adrianparr