/ Published in: PHP

Sometimes a legacy database will have HTML entities stored in it.
This function converts them. Note that this function assumes you have a database abstraction layer, and may need to be modified to connect to YOUR database.
This function converts them. Note that this function assumes you have a database abstraction layer, and may need to be modified to connect to YOUR database.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
<?php $connector = new DbConnector(); // Change to YOUR db connection class. $query = "SET NAMES 'utf8'"; // Put MySQL connection into UTF8 mode. $connector->query($query); // Change to YOUR db query execution method. foreach($tables as $table) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table}"; $rows = $connector->query($sql); // Change to YOUR db query execution method. { foreach($row as $key => $data) { $new[$key] = $connector->escapeString(html_entity_decode($data, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); // Change to YOUR db escape execution method. } $new_string = ""; $i = 0; foreach($new as $new_key => $new_data) { if($i > 0) { $new_string.= ", "; } $new_string.= $new_key . "='" . $new_data . "'"; $i++; } $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET " . $new_string . " WHERE id='" . $row['id'] . "'"; $connector->query($sql); // Change to YOUR db query execution method. } } ?>
URL: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2838245/how-to-remove-htmlentities-values-from-the-database