A Symmetric Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Implementation

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This is an implementation of a symmetric SWHE from section 3.2 of "Computing Arbitrary Functions of Encrypted Data" by Craig Gentry. It contains a small modification (namely, the addition of a modulus parameter to allow a greater-than-2-element plaintext space). Examples provided illustrate the encryption/decryption of a value, addition and multiplication, the basic AND and XOR gates, and complex gates (circuits) for NOT, OR, NAND, NOR, IF, and RIGHT ROTATE. Note that I'm not a cryptographer, so I can't vouch for the correctness of this. If you find a bug, PLEASE post a comment below. Also, note that this is a toy, not production code: performing too many consecutive operations can easily cause values to exceed machine word size, and it's probably vulnerable to any number of attacks.

NOTE: Using a modulus other than 2 should be considered dangerous--and remember, this is only a TOY. Do not use in production.

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  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  3. import random
  5. def keygen(noise, modulus=2):
  6. a_key = random.getrandbits((noise ** 2))
  8. while ((a_key % 2) != 1) and (a_key < (modulus ** (noise ** 2) - 1)):
  9. a_key = a_key + 1
  11. return a_key
  13. def encrypt(noise, a_key, a_bit, modulus=2):
  14. a_mask = random.getrandbits(noise)
  15. a_bit_remainder = a_bit % modulus
  17. while ((a_mask % modulus) != a_bit_remainder):
  18. a_mask = random.getrandbits(noise)
  20. return a_mask + (a_key * random.getrandbits(noise ** 5))
  22. def decrypt(a_key, a_bit, modulus=2):
  23. return (a_bit % a_key) % modulus
  25. def simple_example():
  26. modulus = 32
  27. noise = 6
  28. a_key = keygen(noise, modulus=modulus)
  29. a_random_bit = random.getrandbits(5)
  30. a_cipher_bit = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_random_bit, modulus=modulus)
  31. a_decrypted_bit = decrypt(a_key, a_cipher_bit, modulus=modulus)
  33. print("simple_example()\n----------------")
  34. print("key: %d\nplaintext: %d\nencrypted: %d\ndecrypted: %d\n\n" % (a_key, a_random_bit, a_cipher_bit, a_decrypted_bit))
  36. def multiplication_example():
  37. modulus = 16
  38. noise = 5
  39. a_key = keygen(noise, modulus=modulus)
  40. a_p = random.getrandbits(2)
  41. b_p = random.getrandbits(2)
  42. a_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p, modulus=modulus)
  43. b_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p, modulus=modulus)
  44. c = a_c * b_c
  45. d = decrypt(a_key, c, modulus=modulus)
  46. print("multiplication_example()\n-------------------------")
  47. print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
  48. print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
  49. print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
  51. def addition_example():
  52. modulus = 8
  53. noise = 4
  54. a_key = keygen(noise, modulus=modulus)
  55. a_p = random.getrandbits(2)
  56. b_p = random.getrandbits(2)
  57. a_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p, modulus=modulus)
  58. b_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p, modulus=modulus)
  59. c = a_c + b_c
  60. d = decrypt(a_key, c, modulus=modulus)
  61. print("addition_example()\n------------------")
  62. print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
  63. print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
  64. print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
  66. def xor_gate():
  67. noise = 4
  68. a_key = keygen(noise)
  69. a_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  70. b_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  71. a_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
  72. b_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p)
  73. c = a_c + b_c
  74. d = decrypt(a_key, c)
  75. print("xor_gate() (XOR)\n----------------")
  76. print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
  77. print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
  78. print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
  80. def and_gate():
  81. noise = 4
  82. a_key = keygen(noise)
  83. a_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  84. b_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  85. a_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
  86. b_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p)
  87. c = a_c * b_c
  88. d = decrypt(a_key, c)
  89. print("and_gate() (AND)\n----------------")
  90. print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
  91. print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
  92. print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
  94. def or_gate():
  95. noise = 4
  96. a_key = keygen(noise)
  97. a_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  98. b_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  99. a_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
  100. b_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p)
  101. c = (a_c * b_c) + (a_c + b_c)
  102. d = decrypt(a_key, c)
  103. print("or_gate() (OR)\n--------------")
  104. print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
  105. print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
  106. print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
  108. def not_gate():
  109. noise = 4
  110. a_key = keygen(noise)
  111. a_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  112. a_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
  113. c = 1 + a_c
  114. d = decrypt(a_key, c)
  115. print("not_gate() (NOT)\n----------------")
  116. print("a (p): %d\n" % (a_p,))
  117. print("a (c): %d\n" % (a_c,))
  118. print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
  120. def nand_gate():
  121. noise = 4
  122. a_key = keygen(noise)
  123. a_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  124. b_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  125. a_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
  126. b_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p)
  127. c = 1 + (a_c * b_c)
  128. d = decrypt(a_key, c)
  129. print("nand_gate() (NAND)\n------------------")
  130. print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
  131. print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
  132. print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
  134. def nor_gate():
  135. noise = 4
  136. a_key = keygen(noise)
  137. a_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  138. b_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  139. a_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
  140. b_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p)
  141. c = 1 + ((a_c * b_c) + (a_c + b_c))
  142. d = decrypt(a_key, c)
  143. print("nor_gate() (NOR)\n----------------")
  144. print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
  145. print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
  146. print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
  148. def if_gate():
  149. noise = 4
  150. a_key = keygen(noise)
  151. a_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  152. a_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
  153. c = 1 * a_c
  154. d = decrypt(a_key, c)
  155. print("if_gate() (IF)\n--------------")
  156. print("a (p): %d\n" % (a_p,))
  157. print("a (c): %d\n" % (a_c,))
  158. print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
  160. def right_rotate():
  161. noise = 4
  162. a_key = keygen(noise)
  164. a_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  165. b_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  166. c_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  167. d_p = random.getrandbits(1)
  169. a_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
  170. b_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p)
  171. c_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, c_p)
  172. d_c = encrypt(noise, a_key, d_p)
  174. a = a_c + d_c + a_c
  175. b = b_c + a_c + b_c
  176. c = c_c + b_c + c_c
  177. d = d_c + c_c + d_c
  179. de_a = decrypt(a_key, a)
  180. de_b = decrypt(a_key, b)
  181. de_c = decrypt(a_key, c)
  182. de_d = decrypt(a_key, d)
  184. print("right_rotate() (division mod 2)\n-------------------------------")
  185. print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\nc (p): %d\nd (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p, c_p, d_p))
  186. print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\nc (c): %d\nd (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c, c_c, d_c))
  187. print("a' (c): %d\nb' (c): %d\nc' (c): %d\nd' (c): %d\n" % (a, b, c, d))
  188. print("a: %d\nb: %d\nc: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (de_a, de_b, de_c, de_d))
  190. simple_example()
  191. multiplication_example()
  192. addition_example()
  193. xor_gate()
  194. and_gate()
  195. or_gate()
  196. not_gate()
  197. nand_gate()
  198. nor_gate()
  199. if_gate()
  200. right_rotate()

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