A Symmetric Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Implementation

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This is an implementation of a symmetric SWHE from section 3.2 of "Computing Arbitrary Functions of Encrypted Data" by Craig Gentry. It contains a small modification (namely, the addition of a modulus parameter to allow a greater-than-2-element plaintext space). Examples provided illustrate the encryption/decryption of a value, addition and multiplication, the basic AND and XOR gates, and complex gates (circuits) for NOT, OR, NAND, NOR, IF, and RIGHT ROTATE. Note that I'm not a cryptographer, so I can't vouch for the correctness of this. If you find a bug, PLEASE post a comment below. Also, note that this is a toy, not production code: performing too many consecutive operations can easily cause values to exceed machine word size, and it's probably vulnerable to any number of attacks.

NOTE: Using a modulus other than 2 should be considered dangerous--and remember, this is only a TOY. Do not use in production.

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