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Revision: 56442
at May 6, 2012 23:19 by weilawei

Updated Code
#!/usr/bin/env python

import random

def keygen(noise, modulus=2):
    a_key = random.getrandbits((noise ** 2))

    while ((a_key % 2) != 1) and (a_key < (modulus ** (noise ** 2) - 1)):
        a_key = a_key + 1

    return a_key

def encrypt(noise, a_key, a_bit, modulus=2):
    a_mask          = random.getrandbits(noise)
    a_bit_remainder = a_bit % modulus

    while ((a_mask % modulus) != a_bit_remainder):
        a_mask = random.getrandbits(noise)

    return a_mask + (a_key * random.getrandbits(noise ** 5))

def decrypt(a_key, a_bit, modulus=2):
    return (a_bit % a_key) % modulus

def simple_example():
    modulus         = 32
    noise           = 6
    a_key           = keygen(noise, modulus=modulus)
    a_random_bit    = random.getrandbits(5)
    a_cipher_bit    = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_random_bit, modulus=modulus)
    a_decrypted_bit = decrypt(a_key, a_cipher_bit, modulus=modulus)

    print("key: %d\nplaintext: %d\nencrypted: %d\ndecrypted: %d\n\n" % (a_key, a_random_bit, a_cipher_bit, a_decrypted_bit))

def multiplication_example():
    modulus = 16
    noise   = 5
    a_key   = keygen(noise, modulus=modulus)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    a_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p, modulus=modulus)
    b_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p, modulus=modulus)
    c       = a_c * b_c
    d       = decrypt(a_key, c, modulus=modulus)
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))

def addition_example():
    modulus = 8
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(noise, modulus=modulus)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    a_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p, modulus=modulus)
    b_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p, modulus=modulus)
    c       = a_c + b_c
    d       = decrypt(a_key, c, modulus=modulus)
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def xor_gate():
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c + b_c
    d       = decrypt(a_key, c)
    print("xor_gate() (XOR)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def and_gate():
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c * b_c
    d       = decrypt(a_key, c)
    print("and_gate() (AND)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def or_gate():
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = (a_c * b_c) + (a_c + b_c)
    d       = decrypt(a_key, c)
    print("or_gate() (OR)\n--------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))

def not_gate():
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
    c       = 1 + a_c
    d       = decrypt(a_key, c)
    print("not_gate() (NOT)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\n" % (a_p,))
    print("a (c): %d\n" % (a_c,))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def nand_gate():
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = 1 + (a_c * b_c)
    d       = decrypt(a_key, c)
    print("nand_gate() (NAND)\n------------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def nor_gate():
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = 1 + ((a_c * b_c) + (a_c + b_c))
    d       = decrypt(a_key, c)
    print("nor_gate() (NOR)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def if_gate():
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
    c       = 1 * a_c
    d       = decrypt(a_key, c)
    print("if_gate() (IF)\n--------------")
    print("a (p): %d\n" % (a_p,))
    print("a (c): %d\n" % (a_c,))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def right_rotate():
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    c_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    d_p     = random.getrandbits(1)

    a_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, b_p)
    c_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, c_p)
    d_c     = encrypt(noise, a_key, d_p)

    a       = a_c + d_c + a_c
    b       = b_c + a_c + b_c
    c       = c_c + b_c + c_c
    d       = d_c + c_c + d_c

    de_a    = decrypt(a_key, a)
    de_b    = decrypt(a_key, b)
    de_c    = decrypt(a_key, c)
    de_d    = decrypt(a_key, d)

    print("right_rotate() (division mod 2)\n-------------------------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\nc (p): %d\nd (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p, c_p, d_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\nc (c): %d\nd (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c, c_c, d_c))
    print("a' (c): %d\nb' (c): %d\nc' (c): %d\nd' (c): %d\n" % (a, b, c, d))
    print("a: %d\nb: %d\nc: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (de_a, de_b, de_c, de_d))


Revision: 56441
at March 28, 2012 10:39 by weilawei

Updated Code
import random

def keygen(modulus, noise):
    a_key = random.getrandbits((noise ** 2))
    return a_key + ((a_key % 2) - 1)

def encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_bit):
    a_mask          = random.getrandbits(noise)
    a_bit_remainder = a_bit % modulus

    while ((a_mask % modulus) != a_bit_remainder):
        a_mask = random.getrandbits(noise)

    return a_mask + (a_key * random.getrandbits(noise ** 5))

def decrypt(modulus, a_key, a_bit):
    return (a_bit % a_key) % modulus

def simple_example():
    modulus         = 32
    noise           = 6
    a_key           = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_random_bit    = random.getrandbits(5)
    a_cipher_bit    = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_random_bit)
    a_decrypted_bit = decrypt(modulus, a_key, a_cipher_bit)

    print("key: %d\nplaintext: %d\nencrypted: %d\ndecrypted: %d\n\n" % (a_key, a_random_bit, a_cipher_bit, a_decrypted_bit))

def multiplication_example():
    modulus = 16
    noise   = 5
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c * b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))

def addition_example():
    modulus = 8
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c + b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def xor_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c + b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("xor_gate() (XOR)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def and_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c * b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("and_gate() (AND)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def or_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = (a_c * b_c) + (a_c + b_c)
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("or_gate() (OR)\n--------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))

def not_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    c       = 1 + a_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("not_gate() (NOT)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\n" % (a_p,))
    print("a (c): %d\n" % (a_c,))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def nand_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = 1 + (a_c * b_c)
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("nand_gate() (NAND)\n------------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def nor_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = 1 + ((a_c * b_c) + (a_c + b_c))
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("nor_gate() (NOR)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def if_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    c       = 1 * a_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("if_gate() (IF)\n--------------")
    print("a (p): %d\n" % (a_p,))
    print("a (c): %d\n" % (a_c,))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))


Revision: 56440
at March 28, 2012 10:23 by weilawei

Updated Code
import random

def keygen(modulus, noise):
    a_key = random.getrandbits((noise ** 2))
    return a_key + ((a_key % 2) - 1)

def encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_bit):
    a_mask          = random.getrandbits(noise)
    a_bit_remainder = a_bit % modulus

    while ((a_mask % modulus) != a_bit_remainder):
        a_mask = random.getrandbits(noise)
    return a_mask + (a_key * (noise ** 5))

def decrypt(modulus, a_key, a_bit):
    return (a_bit % a_key) % modulus

def simple_example():
    modulus         = 32
    noise           = 6
    a_key           = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_random_bit    = random.getrandbits(5)
    a_cipher_bit    = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_random_bit)
    a_decrypted_bit = decrypt(modulus, a_key, a_cipher_bit)

    print("key: %d\nplaintext: %d\nencrypted: %d\ndecrypted: %d\n\n" % (a_key, a_random_bit, a_cipher_bit, a_decrypted_bit))

def multiplication_example():
    modulus = 16
    noise   = 5
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c * b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))

def addition_example():
    modulus = 8
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c + b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def xor_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c + b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("xor_gate() (XOR)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def and_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c * b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("and_gate() (AND)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def or_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = (a_c * b_c) + (a_c + b_c)
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("or_gate() (OR)\n--------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))

def not_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    c       = 1 + a_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("not_gate() (NOT)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\n" % (a_p,))
    print("a (c): %d\n" % (a_c,))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def nand_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = 1 + (a_c * b_c)
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("nand_gate() (NAND)\n------------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def nor_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = 1 + ((a_c * b_c) + (a_c + b_c))
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("nor_gate() (NOR)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def if_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    c       = 1 * a_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("if_gate() (IF)\n--------------")
    print("a (p): %d\n" % (a_p,))
    print("a (c): %d\n" % (a_c,))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))


Revision: 56439
at March 28, 2012 10:18 by weilawei

Updated Code
import random

def keygen(modulus, noise):
    a_key = random.getrandbits((noise ** 2))
    return a_key + ((a_key % 2) - 1)

def encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_bit):
    a_mask = random.getrandbits(noise)

    while ((a_mask % modulus) != (a_bit % modulus)):
        a_mask = random.getrandbits(noise)
    return a_mask + (a_key * (noise ** 5))

def decrypt(modulus, a_key, a_bit):
    return (a_bit % a_key) % modulus

def simple_example():
    modulus         = 32
    noise           = 6
    a_key           = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_random_bit    = random.getrandbits(5)
    a_cipher_bit    = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_random_bit)
    a_decrypted_bit = decrypt(modulus, a_key, a_cipher_bit)

    print("key: %d\nplaintext: %d\nencrypted: %d\ndecrypted: %d\n\n" % (a_key, a_random_bit, a_cipher_bit, a_decrypted_bit))

def multiplication_example():
    modulus = 16
    noise   = 5
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c * b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))

def addition_example():
    modulus = 8
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c + b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def xor_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c + b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("xor_gate() (XOR)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def and_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c * b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("and_gate() (AND)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def or_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = (a_c * b_c) + (a_c + b_c)
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("or_gate() (OR)\n--------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))

def not_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    c       = 1 + a_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("not_gate() (NOT)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\n" % (a_p,))
    print("a (c): %d\n" % (a_c,))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def nand_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = 1 + (a_c * b_c)
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("nand_gate() (NAND)\n------------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def nor_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = 1 + ((a_c * b_c) + (a_c + b_c))
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("nor_gate() (NOR)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def if_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    c       = 1 * a_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("if_gate() (IF)\n--------------")
    print("a (p): %d\n" % (a_p,))
    print("a (c): %d\n" % (a_c,))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))


Revision: 56438
at March 28, 2012 09:46 by weilawei

Initial Code
import random

def keygen(modulus, noise):
    a_key = random.getrandbits((noise ** 2))

    if ((a_key % 2) == 1):
        return a_key

    return keygen(modulus, noise)

def encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_bit):
    a_mask = random.getrandbits(noise)
    if ((a_mask % modulus) == (a_bit % modulus)):
        return a_mask + (a_key * (noise ** 5))

    return encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_bit)

def decrypt(modulus, a_key, a_bit):
    return (a_bit % a_key) % modulus

def simple_example():
    modulus         = 8
    noise           = 3
    a_key           = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_random_bit    = random.getrandbits(3)
    a_cipher_bit    = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_random_bit)
    a_decrypted_bit = decrypt(modulus, a_key, a_cipher_bit)

    print("key: %d\nplaintext: %d\nencrypted: %d\ndecrypted: %d\n\n" % (a_key, a_random_bit, a_cipher_bit, a_decrypted_bit))

def multiplication_example():
    modulus = 8
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c * b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))

def addition_example():
    modulus = 8
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(2)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c + b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def xor_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c + b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("xor_gate() (XOR)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def and_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = a_c * b_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("and_gate() (AND)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def or_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = (a_c * b_c) + (a_c + b_c)
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("or_gate() (OR)\n--------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))

def not_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    c       = 1 + a_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("not_gate() (NOT)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\n" % (a_p,))
    print("a (c): %d\n" % (a_c,))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def nand_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = 1 + (a_c * b_c)
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("nand_gate() (NAND)\n------------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def nor_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    b_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    b_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, b_p)
    c       = 1 + ((a_c * b_c) + (a_c + b_c))
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("nor_gate() (NOR)\n----------------")
    print("a (p): %d\nb (p): %d\n" % (a_p, b_p))
    print("a (c): %d\nb (c): %d\n" % (a_c, b_c))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))
def if_gate():
    modulus = 2
    noise   = 4
    a_key   = keygen(modulus, noise)
    a_p     = random.getrandbits(1)
    a_c     = encrypt(modulus, noise, a_key, a_p)
    c       = 1 * a_c
    d       = decrypt(modulus, a_key, c)
    print("if_gate() (IF)\n--------------")
    print("a (p): %d\n" % (a_p,))
    print("a (c): %d\n" % (a_c,))
    print("c: %d\nd: %d\n\n" % (c, d))


Initial URL

Initial Description
This is an implementation of a symmetric SWHE from section 3.2 of "Computing Arbitrary Functions of Encrypted Data" by Craig Gentry. It contains a small modification (namely, the addition of a modulus parameter to allow a greater-than-2-element plaintext space). Examples provided illustrate the encryption/decryption of a value, addition and multiplication, the basic AND and XOR gates, and complex gates (circuits) for NOT, OR, NAND, NOR, IF, and RIGHT ROTATE. Note that I'm not a cryptographer, so I can't vouch for the correctness of this. If you find a bug, PLEASE post a comment below. Also, note that this is a toy, not production code: performing too many consecutive operations can easily cause values to exceed machine word size, and it's probably vulnerable to any number of attacks.

NOTE: Using a modulus other than 2 should be considered dangerous--and remember, this is only a TOY. Do not use in production.

Initial Title
A Symmetric Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Implementation

Initial Tags

Initial Language