/ Published in: PHP

That's something quick. A basic php class to manage properly a database. Thanks to magic methods opening a database is almost automatic.
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<?php class Database{ private $host = ''; private $dbname = 'example'; private $dbpwd = ''; private $dbuser = 'root'; public $link; function __construct(){ } function __destruct(){ } public static function filter($data){ else{ } return $data; } // $table = string, $conditions = array, $limit = number public static function readRecord( $table, $conditions, $limit=false ){ $query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE "; foreach($conditions as $a => $b) $query .= "$a = '".Database::filter($b)."' AND "; } // $table = string, $values = array public static function addRecord( $table, $values ){ $q_1 = "INSERT INTO $table("; $q_2 = ") VALUES("; foreach($values as $field => $val){ $q_1 .= $field.', '; $q_2 .= "'".Database::filter($val)."', "; } } // $table = string, $conditions = array, $limit = number public static function removeRecord( $table, $conditions, $limit=false ){ $query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE "; foreach($conditions as $a => $b) $query .= "$a = '".Database::filter($b)."' AND "; } } ?>
URL: http://claudiobonifazi.com