/ Published in: PHP

uFlex or userFlex is an all in one PHP user class that provides developers with a simple yet secured, reliable and flexible framework like structure to authenticate their sites and applications. The purpose of uFlex is to handle the tedious processes involved in authenticating users.
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<?php // For Support visit http://crusthq.com/projects/uFlex/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // uFlex - An all in one authentication system PHP class // Copyright (C) 2011 Pablo Tejada // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*Thought the Class Official name is userFlex the object is simply named uFlex*/ class uFlex { //Constants const debug = true; //Logs extra bits of errors for developers const version = 0.75; const salt = "sd5a4"; //IMPORTANT: Please change this value as it will make this copy unique and secured //End of constants\\\\ var $id; //Signed user ID var $sid; //Current User Session ID var $username; //Signed username var $pass; //Holds the user password hash var $signed; //Boolean, true = user is signed-in var $data; //Holds entire user database row var $console; //Cotainer for errors and reports var $log; //Used for traking errors and reports var $confirm; //Holds the hash for any type of comfirmation var $tmp_data; //Holds the temporary user information during registration "table_name" => "users", "cookie_time" => "+30 days", "cookie_name" => "auto", "cookie_path" => "/", "cookie_host" => false, "user_session" => "userData", "username" => "Guest", "user_id" => 0, "password" => 0, "signed" => false ) ); "limit" => "3-15", "regEx" => '/^([a-zA-Z0-9_])+$/' ), "limit" => "3-15", "regEx" => false ), "limit" => "4-35", "regEx" => '/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$/' ) ); "a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z", "A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z", 0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ); //Array of errors //Database Error while caling register functions 1 => "New User Registration Failed", //Database Error while calling update functions 2 => "The Changes Could not be made", //Database Error while calling activate function 3 => "Account could not be activated", //When calling pass_reset and the given email doesn't exist in database 4 => "We don't have an account with this email", //When calling new_pass, the confirmation hash did not match the one in database 5 => "Password could not be changed. The request can't be validated", 6 => "Logging with cookies failed", 7 => "No Username or Password provided", 8 => "Your Account has not been Activated. Check your Email for instructions", 9 => "Your account has been deactivated. Please contact Administrator", 10 => "Wrong Username or Password", //When calling check_hash with invalid hash 11 => "Confirmation hash is invalid", //Calling check_hash hash failed database match test 12 => "Your identification could not be confirmed", //When saving hash to database fails 13 => "Failed to save confirmation request", 14 => "You need to reset your password to login" ); /** EDITS BELOW THIS LINE WILL NOT BE KEPT WHEN UPDATING CLASS USING THE UPDATER SCRIPT **/ /** * Public function to initiate a login request at any time * * @access public * @param string $user username or email * @param string $pass password * @param bool|int $auto boolean to remember or not the user */ function login($user=false,$pass=false,$auto=false){ //reconstruct object self::__construct($user,$pass,$auto); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Register A New User -Takes two parameters, the first being required @info = array object (takes an associatve array, the index being the fieldname(column in database) and the value its content(value) +optional second parameter @activation = boolean(true/false) default = false Returns activation hash if second parameter @activation is true Returns true if second parameter @activation is false Returns false on Error */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function register($info,$activation = false){ $this->logger("registration"); //Index for Errors and Reports //Saves Registration Data in Class $this->tmp_data = $info; //Validate All Fields if(!$this->validateAll()) return false; //There are validations error //Built in actions for special fields //Hash Password $this->hash_pass($info['password']); $info['password'] = $this->pass; } //Check for Email in database if($this->check_field('email',$info['email'],"This Email is Already in Use")) return false; //Check for username in database if($this->check_field('username',$info['username'], "This Username is not available")) return false; //Check for errors if($this->has_error()) return false; //Set Registration Date //User Activation if(!$activation){ //Activates user upon registration $info['activated'] = 1; } //Prepare Info for SQL Insertion foreach($info as $index => $val){ $into[] = $index; } } //Prepare New User Query $sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->opt['table_name']} ($into) VALUES($values)"; //exit($sql); //Enter New user to Database if($this->check_sql($sql)){ $this->report("New User \"{$info['username']}\" has been registered"); if($activation){ //Insert Validation Hash $this->make_hash($this->id); $this->save_hash(); return $this->confirm; } return true; }else{ $this->error(1); return false; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Similar to the register method function in structure This Method validates and updates any field in the database -Takes one parameter @info = array object (takes an associatve array, the index being the fieldname(column in database) and the value its content(value) On Success returns true On Failure return false */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function update($info){ $this->logger("update"); //Index for Errors and Reports //Saves Updates Data in Class $this->tmp_data = $info; //Validate All Fields if(!$this->validateAll()) return false; //There are validations error //Built in actions for special fields //Hash Password $this->hash_pass($info['password']); $info['password'] = $this->pass; } //Check for Email in database if($this->check_field('email',$info['email'],"This Email is Already in Use")) return false; //Check for errors if($this->has_error()) return false; //Prepare Info for SQL Insertion foreach($info as $index => $val){ $set[] = "{$index}={$value}"; } } //Prepare User Update Query $sql = "UPDATE {$this->opt['table_name']} SET $set WHERE user_id='{$this->id}'"; //exit($sql); //Check for Changes if($this->check_sql($sql)){ $this->report("Information Updated"); $_SESSION['uFlex']['update'] = true; return true; }else{ $this->error(2); return false; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Adds validation to queue for either the Registration or Update Method Single Entry: Requires the first two parameters @name = string (name of the field to be validated) @limit = string (range in the format of "5-10") *to make a field optional start with 0 (Ex. "0-10") Optional third paramenter @regEx = string (Regular Expresion to test the field) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Multiple Entry: Takes only the first argument @name = Array Object (takes an object in the following format: array( "username" => array( "limit" => "3-15", "regEx" => "/^([a-zA-Z0-9_])+$/" ), "password" => array( "limit" => "3-15", "regEx" => false ) ); */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addValidation($name,$limit = "0-1",$regEx = false){ $this->logger("registration"); $this->validations = $new; $this->report("New Validation Object added"); }else{ $this->validations[$name]['limit'] = $limit; $this->validations[$name]['regEx'] = $regEx; $this->report("The $name field has been added for validation"); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Activates Account with hash Takes Only and Only the URL parameter of the confirmation page @hash = string Returns true on account activation and false on failure */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function activate($hash){ $this->logger("activation"); if(!$this->check_hash($hash)) return false; $sql = "UPDATE {$this->opt['table_name']} SET activated=1, confirmation='' WHERE confirmation='{$hash}' AND user_id='{$this->id}'"; if($this->check_sql($sql)){ $this->report("Account has been Activated"); return true; }else{ $this->error(3); return false; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Method to reset password, Returns confirmation code to reset password -Takes one parameter and is required @email = string(user email to reset password) On Success it returns an array(email,username,user_id,hash) which could then be use to construct the confirmation URL and Email On Failure it returns false */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function pass_reset($email){ $this->logger("pass_reset"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->opt['table_name']} WHERE email='{$email}'"; $user = $this->getRow($sql); if($user){ if(!$user['activated'] and !$user['confirmation']){ //The Account has been manually disabled and can't reset password $this->error(9); return false; } $this->make_hash($user['user_id']); $this->id = $user['user_id']; $this->save_hash(); "email" => $email, "username" => $user['username'], "user_id" => $user['user_id'], "hash" => $this->confirm ); return $data; }else{ $this->error(4); return false; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Changes a Password with a Confirmation hash from the pass_reset method *this is for users that forget their passwords to change the signed user password use ->update() -Takes two parameters @hash = string (pass_reset method hash) @new = array (an array with indexes 'password' and 'password2') Example: array( [password] => pass123 [password2] => pass123 ) *use ->addValidation('password', ...) to validate password Returns true on a successful password change Returns false on error */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function new_pass($hash,$newPass){ $this->logger("new_pass"); if(!$this->check_hash($hash)) return false; $this->tmp_data = $newPass; if(!$this->validateAll()) return false; //There are validations error $pass = $this->hash_pass($newPass['password']); $sql = "UPDATE {$this->opt['table_name']} SET password='{$pass}', confirmation='', activated=1 WHERE confirmation='{$hash}' AND user_id='{$this->id}'"; if($this->check_sql($sql)){ $this->report("Password has been changed"); return true; }else{ //Error $this->error(5); return false; } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*\ ////////Private and Secondary Methods below this line\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /*Object Constructor*/ function __construct($user = false,$pass = false,$auto = false){ $this->logger("login"); //Index for Reports and Errors; $this->report("Session is been started..."); $this->report("Session has already been started"); }else{ $this->error("Session could not be started"); return; //Finish Execution } $result = $this->loginUser($user,$pass,$auto); if($result == false){ $this->session($this->opt['default_user']); $this->update_from_session(); $this->report("User is " + $this->username); }else{ } } return true; } /** * Private Login proccesor function * */ private function loginUser($user = false,$pass = false,$auto = false){ //Session Login if($this->session("signed")){ $this->report("User Is signed in from session"); $this->update_from_session(); $this->report("Updating Session from database"); //Get User From database because its info has change during current session $update = $this->getRow("SELECT * FROM {$this->opt['table_name']} WHERE user_id='{$this->id}'"); $this->update_session($update); $this->log_login(); //Update last_login } return true; } //Cookies Login $c = $_COOKIE[$this->opt['cookie_name']]; $this->report("Attemping Login with cookies"); if($this->check_hash($c,true)){ $auto = true; $cond = "username='{$this->username}'"; }else{ $this->error(6); $this->logout(); return false; } }else{ //Credentials Login if($user && $pass){ //Login using email $cond = "email='{$user}'"; }else{ //Login using username $cond = "username='{$user}'"; } $this->hash_pass($pass); $this->report("Credentials received"); }else{ $this->error(7); return false; } } $this->report("Querying Database to authenticate user"); //Query Database and check login $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->opt['table_name']} WHERE {$cond} AND password='{$this->pass}'"; $userFile = $this->getRow($sql); if($userFile){ //If Account is not Activated if($userFile['activated'] == 0){ if($userFile['last_login'] == 0){ //Account has not been activated $this->error(8); }else if(!$userFile['confirmation']){ //Account has been deactivated $this->error(9); }else{ //Account deativated due to a password reset or reactivation request $this->error(14); } return false; } //Account is Activated and user is logged in $this->update_session($userFile); //If auto Remember User if($auto){ } $this->log_login(); //Update last_login //Done $this->report("User Logged in Successfully"); return true; }else{ $this->logout(); } $this->error(10); return false; } } function logout(){ $this->logger("login"); $this->signed = 0; //Import default user object $this->data = $_SESSION[$this->opt['user_session']] = $this->opt['default_user']; if(!$deleted){ $this->report("The Autologin cookie could not be deleted"); } $this->report("User Logged out"); } private function log_login(){ //Update last_login $sql = "UPDATE {$this->opt['table_name']} SET last_login='{$time}' WHERE user_id='{$this->id}'"; if($this->check_sql($sql)) $this->report("Last Login updated"); } if($this->pass and $this->id){ $code = $this->make_hash($this->id,$this->pass); //echo "PHP"; $this->opt['cookie_path'],$this->opt['cookie_host']); }else{ //Headers have been sent use JavaScript to set cookie echo "<script>"; echo ' function setCookie(c_name,value,expiredays){ var exdate=new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+expiredays); document.cookie=c_name+ "=" +escape(value)+((expiredays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toUTCString()); path=escape("'. $this->opt["cookie_path"].'"); } '; echo "setCookie('{$this->opt['cookie_name']}','{$code}',{$time})"; echo "</script>"; } $this->report("Cookies have been updated for auto login"); }else{ $this->error("Info required to set the cookie {$this->opt['cookie_name']} is not available"); } } private function session($index=false, $val=false){ return @$_SESSION[$this->opt['user_session']][$index]; } $_SESSION[$this->opt['user_session']][$index] = $val; return; } $_SESSION[$this->opt['user_session']] = $index; return; } //return full session user data return $_SESSION[$this->opt['user_session']]; } private function update_session($d){ $this->session($d); $this->session("signed",1); $this->report("Session updated"); $this->update_from_session(); } private function update_from_session(){ $d = $this->session(); $this->id = $d['user_id']; $this->data = $d; $this->username = $d['username']; $this->pass = $d['password']; $this->signed = $d['signed']; $this->report("Session has been imported to the object"); } function hash_pass($pass){ $salt = uFlex::salt; return $this->pass; } function logger($log){ $this->report(">>Startting new $log request"); } function report($str = false){ if($str){ $this->console['reports'][$index][] = $str; //Strore Report }else{ if($index){ return $this->console['reports'][$index]; //Return the $index Reports Array }else{ return $this->console['reports']; //Return the Full Reports Array } } } function error($str = false){ if($str){ $this->console['errors'][$index][] = $err; //Store Error $this->report("Error[{$str}]: {$err}"); //Report The error }else{ $this->report("Error: {$str}"); //Report The error } }else{ if($index){ return false; return $this->console['errors'][$index]; //Return the $index Errors Array }else{ return $this->console['errors']; //Return the Full Error Array } } } //Adds fields with errors to the console function form_error($field = false,$error = false){ if($field){ if($error){ $this->console['form'][$index][$field] = $error; $this->error($error); }else{ $this->console['form'][$index][] = $field; } }else{ if($index){ return false; return $this->console['form'][$index]; //Return the $index Errors Array }else{ return $this->console['form']; //Return the Full form Array } } } //Check for errors in the console function has_error($index = false){ //Check for errors if($count){ $this->report("$count Error(s) Found!"); return true; }else{ $this->report("No Error Found!"); return false; } } //Generates a unique comfirm hash function make_hash($uid,$hash = false){ $e_uid = $this->encode($uid); if(!$hash){ } //$code = substr($code, 0, $length); $code = $e_uid_pos.$e_uid_length; $code .= $e_uid; $this->confirm = $code; return $code; } //Validates a confirmation hash function check_hash($hash,$bypass = false){ $this->error(11); return; } $uid = $this->decode($e_uid); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->opt['table_name']} WHERE user_id={$uid} AND confirmation='{$hash}'"; //Bypass hash confirmation and get the user by partially matching its password if($bypass){ $pass = $exerpt[2]; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->opt['table_name']} WHERE user_id={$uid} AND password LIKE '{$pass}%'"; } $result = $this->getRow($sql); if(!$result){ $this->report("The user ID and the confirmation hash did not match"); $this->error(12); return false; } if($this->signed and $this->id == $result['user_id']){ $this->logout(); } //Hash is valid import user's info to object $this->data = $result; $this->id = $result['user_id']; $this->username = $result['username']; $this->pass = $result['password']; $this->report("Hash successfully validated"); return true; } //Saves the confirmation hash in the database function save_hash(){ if($this->confirm and $this->id){ $sql = "UPDATE {$this->opt['table_name']} SET confirmation='{$this->confirm}', activated=0 WHERE user_id='{$this->id}'"; if(!$this->check_sql($sql)){ $this->error(13); return false; }else{ $this->report("Confirmation hash has been saved"); } }else{ $this->report("Can't save Confirmation hash"); return false; } return true; } //Test field in database for a value function check_field($field,$val,$err = false){ if($err){ $this->form_error($field,$err); }else{ $this->form_error($field,"The $field $val exists in database"); } $this->report("There was a match for $field = $val"); return true; }else{ $this->report("No Match for $field = $val"); return false; } } //Executes SQL query and checks for success function check_sql($sql,$debug = false){ $this->report("SQL: {$sql}"); //Log the SQL Query if(self::debug){ } return false; }else{ if($rows > 0){ //Good, Rows where affected $this->report("$rows row(s) where Affected"); return true; }else{ //Bad, No Rows where Affected $this->report("No rows were Affected"); return false; } } } //Executes SQL query and returns an associate array of results function getRow($sql){ $this->report("SQL: {$sql}"); //Log the SQL Query first } $rows[] = $row; } }else{ $this->report("Query returned empty"); return false; } return $rows[0]; } //Validates All fields in ->tmp_data array private function validateAll(){ $info = $this->tmp_data; foreach($info as $field => $val){ //Match double fields if($val != $info[$field.(2)]){ //return false; }else{ } } //Validate field continue; $opt = $this->validations[$field]; $this->validate($field,$opt['limit'],$opt['regEx']); } return $this->has_error() ? false : true; } //Validates field($name) in tmp_data private function validate($name,$limit,$regEx = false){ $str = $this->tmp_data[$name]; if(!$max and !$min){ $this->error("Invalid second paramater for the $name validation"); return false; } if(!$str){ $this->report("missing index $name from the POST array"); } $this->report("$Name is blank and optional - skipped"); return true; } $this->form_error($name,"$Name is required."); return false; } $this->form_error($name,"The $Name is larger than $max characters."); return false; } $this->form_error($name,"The $Name is too short. it should at least be $min characters long"); return false; } if($regEx){ $this->form_error($name,"The $Name \"{$str}\" is not valid"); return false; } } $this->report("The $name is Valid"); return true; } //Encoder function encode($d){ $k=$this->encoder;preg_match_all("/[1-9][0-9]|[0-9]/",$d,$a);$n="";$o=count($k);foreach($a[0]as$i){if($i<$o){ $n.=$k[$i];}else{$n.="1".$k[$i-$o];}} return $n; } //Decoder function decode($d){ $k=$this->encoder;preg_match_all("/[1][a-zA-Z]|[2-9]|[a-zA-Z]|[0]/",$d,$a);$n="";$o=count($k);foreach($a[0]as$i){ $f=preg_match("/1([a-zA-Z])/",$i,$v);if($f==true){ $i=$o+array_search($v[1],$k);}else{$i=array_search($i,$k);}$n.=$i;} return $n; } } ?>
URL: http://crusthq.com/projects/uflex/